As one of the universities that upholds openness on public information, Brawijaya University (UB) always develops work programs related to information services both at the university level and to the community and stakeholders. Efforts to establish cooperation and networking with various institutions and the media continue to be made so that information needs can be conveyed widely and easily accessed anywhere in line with the fast-paced and changing times. By this background, the Public Relations Sub Division of the Information and Public Relations Division (DIK) UB conducted a benchmarking to the Ministry of Education and Culture as a form of process to improve the quality of public relations, Monday (4/3).
Zulfaida Penata Gama, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D as the head of DIK revealed that there are several indicators that must be considered in balancing public relations programs and information services so that the public relations sub-division has interesting innovations that can become flagship universities besides carrying out daily activities such as publications, managing internal media and maintaining the university’s reputation with external parties can run well. The Ministry of Education and Culture has gone through various steps in transitioning information services, especially the information needs of the world of education for the wider community and organizations. Of course there is a special strategy so that the Ministry of Education and Culture’s public relations becomes one of the references for state university’s public relations in Indonesia, considering that the various innovations and achievements that have been achieved so far are increasingly developing from year to year,” she said.
Currently, the Ministry of Education and Culture is taking advantage of several big moments in carrying out its information service programs, these three programs consist of supporting publications on major events such as National Education Day and National Technology Awakening Day, then preparing the needs related to Education and Research and Technology award as a measurement of public relation achievement. In addition, public relations coordination meetings for universities are still held every year, so that thematic programs according to the needs of the Directorate General of Education and Technology can continue to run and increase the enthusiasm of campuses in Indonesia to contribute to them.
The importance of higher education participation in participating in national competitions is very necessary since it can change the power map at the internal level, especially in performance reports to university leaders. Where winning achievements can be the basis for a bargaining position for public relations needs and branding so that they remain fully visible (not underestimated) and are as important as other strategic units/sections in higher education. Making public relations an organization that has a big influence on the progress of institutions in the eyes of the public. Public Relations Media Award, Ditristek Public Relations Award are the example of prestigious competition from the various existing public relations competitions.
Public relations management starting from public communications, media relations, publications and documentation needs to be expanded widely, especially utilizing increasingly adaptive digital media. Social media, websites, university publication/information portals must be encouraged towards increasing the existence of universities with all kinds of innovation and content creativity in synergy, creating attractive and inspiring public relations products. This flexibility can later become a step for public relations in achieving achievements at the national level, being able to attract public relations positions at higher levels and ultimately being involved in decision making and policies at the university level. Not only limited to carrying out tasks, but also being able to provide recommendations to office holders. [UB PR/ Trans. Iir]