The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP-UB) hopes to have master and doctoral program to improve the quality of human resources (HR) in the Ministry of Transportation Indonesia.
This hope is one of the results of the discussion in the form of cooperation between FISIP-UB and the Ministry of Transportation (Kememhub) of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta, Friday (11/9/2020).
In the meeting, the Dean of FISIP UB, Dr. Sholih Muadi, M.Si. together with Vice Dean III, A. Muwafik Saleh, S. Sos. and the Head of BPPM Dr. Moch. Fauzie Said, M.Sc., was received by the Secretary of BPSDM RI Ministry of Transportation, Ir. Popik Montanasyah, M.T and Secretary of Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Transportation, Hary Kristanto.
Vice Dean III of FISIP-UB, Muwafik who was contacted added, at the meeting, several things were agreed upon in the field of human resource improvement, including strengthening the anti-corruption education curriculum, national insight and anti-radicalism in vocational education institutions of the Ministry of Transportation, joint research and publication, exchange of the lecturer and student apprenticeship.
According to him, there were also discussions about the exchange of lecturer to strengthen the curriculum for independent learning and independent campus, strengthening the anti-corruption curriculum, nationalism and anti-radicalism.
“Also, the study of social problems in the work area of Ministry of Transportation. It can be in the form of seminars, joint research and publications as well as student apprenticeships, “he added.
Mentioning about the planning of the opening the S-2 and S-3 programs, Muwafik added, the MoU with UB already exists but is still in the process of discussing and extending the MoU with UB. (mon / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)