Exploring Media Construction related to Suicide with the 2024 Press Class

The Journalism Department of the Sociology Student Association of FISIP UB commemorated International Suicide Prevention Day with a Press Class seminar themed Media Construction in Building a Safe Place for the Community, Saturday (14/9/2024), .

“This year’s Press Class brings a new nuance by carrying the theme of media construction on suicide. I hope this event can enrich our knowledge,” said the Chairperson of the 2024 Press Class Committee, Kartika Intan Kirana.

The seminar was opened by material from the FISIP UB Sociology Lecturer, Ayu Kartika, S.AP., M.Si regarding suicide from a sociological perspective. She stated that there was a non-ideal depiction of individuals with psychological disorders.

This statement was supported by the presentation of material by FISIP UB Psychology Lecturer, Unita Werdi Rahajeng, M.Psi. She explained that one of the risk factors in the societal aspect is inaccurate media coverage and stigma related to seeking help.

“The media not only constructs us to do it, but can also prevent us from committing suicide,” she added.

The relationship between the media or press and the issue of suicide was also deepened by Dewi Yuhana, S.Psi. As the former Director and Chief Editor of Malang Post who shared knowledge about journalistic responsibility and code of ethics with the audience.

Dewi Yuhana, S.Psi said that reporting in the mass media can prevent someone from committing suicide by not including the complete chronology of these cases.

“Let’s support journalism so that it remains strong and becomes a pillar of democracy because we are based on democracy. Therefore, we must maintain the world of journalism with our abilities,” he said in closing the material session. (*/UB PR/ Trans.Iir)