KSEI CIES FEB UB Wins 7 Trophies at the 2024 Regional Scentific Meeting

UB Delegation in CIES 2024

Universitas Brawijaya’s students have made another achievement. This time, the KSEI CIES FEB UB team, an organization at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya which focuses on the study of Islamic economics, succeeded in winning 7 trophies at the 2024 Regional Scientific Meeting (TEMILREG). From the 8 teams sent, 7 of them had succeeded in carrying out their task in the activities organized by the East Java Islamic Economic Study Silaturahim Forum (FoSSEI) which took place at IAIN Madura on Friday-Sunday (7-9/6).

In this event, UB delegation team managed to beat hundreds of participants from other universities. After going through the preliminary and semifinal stages, 7 of the 8 teams managed to qualify for the final stage and had to complete case studies in a short time. They also have to present before the jury in the areas of the Islamic Economics Olympiad, Scientific Writing and Sharia Business Plan Competition.

The preparations carried out for approximately two months finally bore nice results. In the Islamic Economics Olympiad, the 1st place title was won by Iskazikro Rahmat Chaska (Islamic Economics/2023), Alifiah Khairunnisa (Islamic Economics/2023), and Muhammad Iqbal Arrosadi (Islamic Economics/2023). 2nd place was won by Siti Yus’ainun Azizah (Islamic Economics/2022), Nailah Hamidah (Islamic Economics/2023), and Aida Aulia Rahmah (Islamic Economics/2023). Then the 1st runners-up were Muhammad Rafly Abimanyu (Islamic Economics/2023), Rizky Maulana Akbar (Islamic Economics/2023), and Hilmi Alwan Husain (Islamic Economics/2022).

In the field of Scientific Writing, 3rd place was won by Muhammad Hizbullah Dzaky Abidin (Economics, Finance and Banking/2023), Muhamad Agil Yulianto (Islamic Economics/2023), and Shahrul Hazni (Management/2022). Meanwhile, the second runner-up was Dewi Masita (Islamic Economics/2023), Aisyah Selena Lazuardi Putri (Islamic Economics/2023), and Robby (Economics, Finance and Banking/2023).

Then in the field of Sharia Business Plan Competition, 3rd place was won by Muhammad Iqbal Ramadhan (Management/2023), Miftah Rinanda Putri (Accounting/2023), and Haya Fakhirah Fauziyyah (Economics, Finance and Banking/2022). The 1st runners-up were Rania Azzahra Mulia (Islamic Economics/2023), Andi Rausyanfikr Gilang Persada (Islamic Economics/2022), and Yudhis Apriliadi (Accounting/2022). Meanwhile, another team consisting of Razin Ahmad Mustaqim (Islamic Economics/2022), Maulidya Ainur Karima (Accounting/2023), and Zahara Seviadinda (Islamic Economics/2022) was only able to finish as semifinalists.

It is hoped that this achievement can encourage the enthusiasm of Young Brawijaya to always excel in order to make Universitas Brawijaya proud both in the regional, national and international arenas. (Roihan/VQ/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)