KORPRI UB Holds Inter-Work Units Badminton Tournament

In order to commemorate its 53rd Anniversary, the Indonesian Civil Servant Corps KORPRI Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a badminton tournament among work units. The tournament has been going on for five days (7/11-13/11/2024) at UB Sports Center (SC). The tournament was opened by the Head of the Spiritual, Sports and Socio-Cultural Division of KORPRI UB, Ir. Sigit Kusmaryanto, M. Eng.

“This tournament is an event to maintain health, maintain friendship and togetherness of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and non-ASN within UB. It also provides an opportunity to channel talents and interests in the field of badminton,” said Ir. Sigit.

Widodo Riyono, the badminton coordinator, said that there was an increase in participants in 2024. In detail, 18 work units competed for the team category and 22 pairs for non-teams participated.

“Starting this year, the winner determination system uses a point accumulation system. Different from the previous year, the tournament will be more competitive, because the strategy of placing players in the team category will be very decisive,” said Widodo.

The tournament has produced champions, where for the team category, the first winner was won by the Rectorate, the second winner was the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) and the third winner was won by the Faculty of Medicine (FK) and the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES).

For the non-team category, the first winner was won by the pair Benido Putra, ST (Rectorate) & Irwan Rahadi, SE. (Rectorate), the second winner was won by the pair Prof. Dr. Drs. Ali Maksum, M. Ag., M.Si. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) and Roy Rizki, SE Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM)

The joint 3rd place was won by the pair, Ismail Marjuki Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) & Imik Faculty of Agriculture (FP) and Arief Agustian Faculty of Medicine (FK) & Tony Suharsono, S.Kep,Ners, M.Kep Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES). (rr/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)