Desaglow Concept Brings UB Delegation to Win the 2nd Place at Sharia Young Leader Summit 2022

UB delegation won 2nd place in the Sharia Young Leader Summit (SYLS) at the end of December 2022 at the Harper Hotel and HK Tower Jakarta.

One of UB delegates, Muhammad Haidar Hafizh (FEB) and four other team members Nazira Mustaqilla (FEB), Dinda Rahmah Wardani (FEB), Shafiyyah Ramadhani Arafa (FP), and Adjie sumantri (FIA) designed the concept of digitizing Islamic philanthropy in villages to increase national economy. They named the concept desaglow.

“The DesaGlow concept is an innovation platform for the development of the village economic sector through strengthening Islamic philanthropy and digitizing villages which makes the Indonesian Sharia Bank a PWU LKS (Islamic Financial Institution Guaranteeing Cash Waqf) and BSI Maslahat as nadzhir/manager of user waqf assets in various villages in Indonesia,” said Haidar briefly.

Haidar hopes that the Desaglow concept they designed can be implemented and provide great benefits in the future.

“Hopefully this platform can really be realized soon considering the potential benefits of this platform are very large when it can be implemented optimally,” he said.

Haidar said this award was also a sweet closing at the end of 2022.

The Conference Competition itself was attended by 88 campuses throughout Indonesia. The number of registrants consisted of 315 teams with 1200 participants. The categories in SYLS 2022 are fintech, philanthropy and halal ecosystems. Of the 315 participants in SYLS 2022, the remaining 24 teams made it to the finals and presented their work in Jakarta.

The Sharia Young Leader Summit is an event that brings together students who have an interest in Islamic economics and finance. This event was organized by Bank Syariah Indonesia and BSI Maslahat with a series of activity agendas namely Sharia Leader Room, Conference Competition, Social Project Competition, Election of Millennial Sharia Economic Ambassadors then Talkshow & Awarding Day.

At the peak of the SYLS event, several BSI officials and Indonesian Islamic finance figures were also present, including Adiwarman Karim as the Council of Sharia Economic Experts and Main Commissioner of BSI, Sukoriyanto Saputro as Executive Director of BSI Maslahat, Sutan Emir Hidayat as Director of KNEKS, Lucky Afriansyah as Department Head Retail Deposit & Payroll Solution Group of Indonesian Sharia Banks, Irfan Syauqi Beik as the Best Sharia Economic Social Leader for 2021, Sudarman Samidi as KNEKS Policy Analyst.

In addition to the team chaired by haidar, UB also succeeded in sending 4 other best teams to enter the top 24 in the conference competition, each team chaired by Haykal Abdul Adil Sjahbandi (FEB), Raihan Ahmad Mustofa (FEB), Kharissima Ndaru Amallia (FIA), and Najla Alhusna (FEB). [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]

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