One of UB’s student communities, EcoLiving Community, carries out Eco-Game activities to provide education, training and character strengthening in processing food waste as compost in order to preserve the environment.
The Eco-Game activity which took place at one of the Adiwiyata Schools, namely SDN Percoban 2 Malang, on (3/11-17/11/2023) was attended by 51 people consisting of 35 elementary school students, 6 accompanying teachers, 6 members of Eco-Living team, 3 Eco-Ranger, and 1 Leader Teens Go Green Indonesia.
In its implementation, Eco Game was made into a teaching book for elementary school (SD) students.
This pocket book with the main character “Echo Buddy” is a teaching book for elementary school students which is equipped with 16 main missions, starting from sorting the resulting food waste, making compost, to using compost as a plant medium. Eco-Game activities are able to increase children’s sensitivity through the ability to choose food waste produced, increase children’s independence through preparing tools and materials as well as making compost and consistency in monitoring compost for 2 weeks.
The effectiveness of Eco-Game activities is reflected in the enthusiasm of the children and the quality of the compost produced as a plant medium.
“This Eco-Game activity also received support from Teens Go Green Indonesia. The closing activity of the Eco-Game was attended by Kak Bambang Sutrisna as the Leader of Teens Go Green Indonesia. He hopes that through this Eco-Game activity he can foster a zero waste spirit in optimizing food waste management, increasing love for the environment through participation and real action in reducing environmental pollution. “This series of Eco-Game activities is a Voice of Youth Challenge (VYC) competition organized by the University of Indonesia in collaboration with Danone Aqua,” said one of the team representatives, Zulfikar Dabby.
Apart from Zulfikar Dabby, UB students involved were Ni Wayan Atik Sarmila Dewi, Wahyu Rizki Pratama, Risa Salsabila, Hafiz Okta Ramadhan, Syahdad Nabil Mudzaffar, Aurora Adelia, Devy Tiyona Iffa Musyahadah and Samil Labib Burhani.
In addition, this activity was also supported by Eco-Ranger consisting of three people, namely Azizah Virgi Nadila, Deden, and Eko Pratama. (*/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)