The Regent of Malang, Drs. H. M. Sanusi M.M. and the academic community of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) attended the handover agenda for FISIP and FIB students who will take part in Village Service Activities (FBD) which will be held in 45 villages in Malang Regency.
“So, this is a collaboration between local government, universities, entrepreneurs and the community. Everyone works together to overcome the nation’s problems,” said the Regent of Malang, Drs. H. M. Sanusi M.M. in his speech.
The Regent said that the village chosen as the location for FISIP and FIB Bakti Desa was a village with a middle to lower economic level so he hoped that the students could innovate and revive the village’s economy.
“We don’t want students from universities to only take part in the scientific field, without taking real action. Therefore, we, FISIP and FCS UB, collaborate with Malang Regency Government to make our wish come true. How each element can contribute to nation building,” said the Dean of FISIP, Prof. Anang Sujoko S.Sos., M.Sc., D.COMM.
Moreover, he also hopes that students can optimize the knowledge they have gained in college and apply this knowledge in programs delivered to villages.
The sub-districts where FISIP and FIB Bakti Desa (FBD) are located are Tumpang, Poncokusumo, Wajak, Tajinan, Ampelgading, Dampit, Sumbermanjing Wetan, Gedangan, Bantur, Donomulyo, Wonosari, Ngajum, Wagir, Kalipare, and Tirtoyudo.
“Also, the Regent also promised that those who need financial and material assistance. If the program is clear and has good certainty, they will help, the Regent is ready,” he added.
It is hoped that FISIP and FIB Bakti Desa (FBD) activities can contribute positively to the lives and improve the welfare of the targeted village communities. (Fazlar/FISIP PR/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)