KK Metabolic Syndrome FIKes UB and its Role for Society

Head of KK METSYN, Dr. Ns. Heri Kristianto,MKep.,Sp.Kep.MB (center) Conducts a series of Community Service Activities with the Team in Probolinggo and Madiun

The Metabolic Syndrome Study Group (KK METSYN) Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIKES-UB) is holding a series of community service activities in Probolinggo and Madiun in November and December 2022.

This activity was held in the context of the first FIKES-UB Anniversary, and is a collaboration of medical surgical nursing, community nursing and nutrition scientific groups who are members of the METSYN study group. This activity involved partners from Madiun City Health Office and Toga Boga NGO from Probolinggo.

Head of METSYN Research Group, Dr. Ns. Heri Kristianto, MKep., Sp.Kep.MB in his remarks said that this activity was a form of university partnership with DUDI (Health Office and Community Health Center of Demangan City of Madiun and NGO Toga Boga Probolinggo) in transferring knowledge and technology as an effort to help solve problems in society, especially the problem of food processing and early detection of diabetic foot as a promote and preventive development effort.

Heri explained, the form of activity with Madiun City Health Office partners was in the form of an early detection examination for diabetic feet which was attended by a prolanist group at Demangan Health Center, Madiun City.

The types of examinations carried out included a physical examination of the diabetic foot, examination of monofilament and ankle brachial pressure index (abpi), neuroscan examination, education on diabetic foot care, and education on diabetic foot exercises.

“The examination results showed that most of the diabetic foot changes and the patient’s knowledge of foot disorders is still lacking. Provision of education about foot care and diabetic foot exercises is very useful in preventing diabetic foot complications for the prolanis group,” explained Heri.

Madiun City Health Office PTM coordinator drg. Wahyu and the Head of Demangan Health Center, dr. Puspita very much welcomes this activity because it is in line with the non-communicable disease control and prevention program that is being promoted in Madiun City.

The Metsyn KK team provided education on the use of moringa, brown rice and oyster mushrooms in Probolinggo

Meanwhile the activities carried out in Probolinggo involved Toga Boga NGO partners which focused on the use of local food. Namely by providing education to housewives regarding the utilization of moringa, brown rice, and oyster mushrooms delivered by Rahma Micho Widyanto, S.Si, MP and Dr. Ethics Sulistyowati, SST., S.Gz., M.Kes.

The enthusiasm of the participants was proven from the activeness of the participants in asking and answering the questions posed by the presenters. At the end of the activity, a cooking class was held by Toga Boga NGO, namely by making food supplies for the children which were made directly by the mothers and their sons and daughters who attended this activity. The supplies made in this cooking class are made from moringa, brown rice and oyster mushrooms which are made in such a way that they have an attractive taste and shape for children.

Heri hopes that all the activities carried out by METSYN KK team are expected to contribute to the community in solving health problems.

“This study group was formed from members with backgrounds in various health scientific disciplines with a research focus on each part of the study on metabolic syndrome. The goal is to increase multidisciplinary collaboration in the form Tri Dharma of Higher Education activities as an effort to increase the participation of UB FIKes together with various partners to solve existing health problems,” concluded Heri. [HK/Irene/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]