The Story of Two UB Students Who Participate in Campus Teaching 6

Aurelya Dinda Pratiwi leads the Chain Poetry Competition

A total of 10 Universtas Brawijaya (UB) students actively participated in Campus Teaching 6 activities which were assigned to schools in Indonesia from July to December 2024. The Campus Teaching program was initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture as a means for students to enter directly into the world of education, especially in the process of learn how to teach

PRASETYA Online had the opportunity to interview two students participating in the program, namely Bana Hasnul Fata – or familiarly known as Bana – and Aurelya Dinda Pratiwi – nicknamed Adin, Tuesday (28/5/2024). Bana works at SDS Darussalam, North Jakarta, while Aurel works at SD Islam Plus Al Azhar, Malang. Both held similar activities, namely the Literacy and Numerical Festival.

“This festival is a forum for students to channel their interests and talents, especially in the fields of literacy and culture, through various competitions and performances,” said Bana.

Bana, who comes from the Educational Administration study program, revealed that the Literacy and Numeracy Festival program was one of the challenges given by the central Campus Teaching organizers during the Student Communication and Coordination Forum (FKKM 1). This festival took place on November 9 2023 with the theme “Nationalism” as the event tagline.

“Incidentally, on the nearest day there is a date for celebrating National Heroes’ Day. “So, we took it on November 9 to remind students of the services of our country’s heroes,” she said.

The Literacy and Numeracy Festival at SDS Darussalam is a forum for students to channel their interests and talents in expressing nationalism through various competitions and performances. The event began with remarks, marawis performances, and continued with traditional dancing competitions, poetry reading, storytelling, quizzes, and a fashion show of Indonesian traditional clothes. There is also a photobooth for documentation and awards for the winners.

“We also try to prepare them to look good by training them in dancing, poetry, storytelling, fashion shows and quiz practice. On the other hand, assistance also came, such as financial support, supporting equipment and snacks during the event,” said Bana.

In contrast to Bana, Adin held a Literacy and Numeracy Festival for 2 days at one of the elementary schools in Malang City which is very familiar with the sound of trains, namely SD Islam Plus Al Azhar. This festival plays a vital role in bringing literacy and numeracy closer to students. This student from the Indonesian Language and Literature Education study program stated that this activity was divided into three series, namely the Class Reading Corner competition and assessment, the Literacy and Numeracy Festival competition and bazaar, and the peak event of the Literacy and Numeracy Festival.

“The class reading corner competition was held so that each class could freely create their own creativity,” said Adin.

The Literacy & Numeracy Festival competition includes coloring and writing letters for grades 1-3 as well as chain poetry and quizzes for grades 4-6.

“The highlight of this event was truly memorable since it was not only attended by the school community, but also brought in the parents of every student who was able to attend,” she said.

Adin said that for one week, Campus Teaching students allocate one day to help each class prepare a reading corner, involve student parents in procuring certain items and the assessment process. The reading corner competition was assessed by representatives of the foundation, school principals, field supervisors (DPL), parent coordinators and students.

The closing of Campus Teaching 6 event was marked by appreciation from various parties. Bana said that the feedback from the school was very positive. The principal stated that this program was very helpful and in line with one of the school programs. Enthusiasm was seen not only from the school, but also from students and parents who felt that activities such as competitions provided new experiences in learning and increased students’ courage to express themselves. The local community was also happy and entertained by the event which was held in an open space. Adin also said that when students were withdrawn from school, the principal hoped that this useful Campus Teaching program could continue to be implemented and be sustainable, considering the great benefits felt by all school members. [dea/sitirahma/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]