Collaborating with Queensland, Rector Explains the  Concept of Herbal Medicine and Global Health

Lecture; From Roots to Remedies: Can Traditional Wisdom and Cutting-Edge Science Unite to Redefine Global Health by the Chancellor at UQ

Local knowledge should stand side by side with modern knowledge, especially in terms of health. This concept was conveyed by the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Widodo, S.Sos., M.Si., PhD MedSc during his visit to the University of Queensland, Australia. During his visit, the Rector presented an idea entitled “From Roots to Remedies: Can Traditional Wisdom and Cutting-Edge Science Unite to Redefine Global Health?”, on Monday (29/4).

MoU between UB and UQ

This guest lecture was organized by the University of Queensland as the host after signing a collaboration agreement between UB and UQ. In his presentation, Widodo explained that traditional knowledge and modern science can work together, “The combination of local knowledge and new discoveries that have been tested can create more holistic and sustainable health solutions, especially the standardization of herbal medicine so that it can become modern medicine,” he explained to lecturers and UQ student.

Before the guest lecture was held, academics from UQ and UB also held a round table discussion involving lecturers and the UQ Global Partnership. This discussion aims to strengthen collaboration between universities in terms of joint research, teaching and student mobility. After giving a lecture, Prof. Widodo and his group consisting of the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MP and Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Prof. Dr. Unti Ludigdo, S.E., M.Sc. Ak signed the MOU between UQ and UB with Prof. Aidan Byrne (Provost), Mr Brett Lovegrove (Pro-Vice Chancellor – Global Partnership), Prof. Heather Zwicker (Executive Dean of Faculty of Humanities) Prof Nigel Perkins (Head of School-School of Veterinary) and Ms Thoa Harring.

These guest lectures, round table discussions, MOU signings and working visits not only create opportunities to exchange ideas and knowledge between two leading educational institutions, but also inspire hope for a deeper and more sustainable partnership in the future. The Chancellor’s presence at UQ was a spark that could potentially lead to closer collaboration and a wider exchange of ideas in the field of global health and other fields, which closed with a tour of the Institute of Molecular Bioscience, accompanied by Dr Nobert Kienzle (Senior Manager of Research Partnership and Development). In addition to academic agenda, it marks an important step in strengthening UB’s ties with various institutions around the world. (VQ/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)