Faculty of Agricultural Technology Assists 50 MSMEs in Batu City through Matching Fund Program

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya (FTP UB) held a Matching Fund for Technical Guidance and Assistance for 50 Batu City MSMEs at Batu City Cooperative & MSME Integrated Business Service Center (PLUT), Thursday (7/9/2023) involving 20 FTP students and 15 lecturers from FTP, FT and FILKOM as companions and facilitators.

Presenting Hafid Kustanto, Head of Manufacturing PT Madurasa Unggul Nusantara, Budi Sulistyowati from BPOM East Java, Jaya Mahar Maligan, STP. MP and Rini Yulianingsih, Ph.D. along with Brawijaya University facilitator team, this activity was attended by the Dean of FTP UB, Prof. Yusuf Hendrawan, STP. M. App. Life. Sc. Ph.D and Head of Batu City Cooperative Micro Business and Trade Service (Diskumdag), Drs. Eko Suhartono, MM.

Chief Executive of the Activities, Dr. Siti Asmaul Mustaniroh explained that this activity can support the achievements of IKU 2 of higher education regarding students studying off campus and IKU 3 regarding lecturers working. Furthermore, the matching fund partnership activity between UB and PLUT KUMKM Batu City through the GMP mini plant mockup model is also a real step to support from universities for improving the performance of strong Food Processed MSMEs towards global market competitiveness.

Meanwhile Prof. Yusuf Hendrawan as Dean said that the UB Faculty of Agricultural Technology received a lot of matching funds, one of which was for Good Manufacturing Practice assistance for 50 MSMEs in Batu City, which was a follow-up to matching fund activities with Batu 2022 Diskumdag. GMP is an important thing to pay attention so that producers produce quality products according to consumer demands.

“Last year we were successful with the development of fresh frying products. “Now we continue with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) assistance. GMP is important to pay attention because it guarantees quality and fulfills quality requirements as well as safe and healthy food safety,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of Batu City Cooperative Micro Business and Trade Service (Diskumdag), Drs. Eko Suhartono, MM. expressed his appreciation to UB which has helped UKM a lot

Alhamdulillah, thank you to Brawijaya University for its assistance and guidance. We hope that the collaboration between UB and PLUT can make UKM even brighter and add value. Moreover, as we all know, Batu is supported by three mainstay sectors, namely tourism, agriculture and MSMEs. “Hopefully this GMP certification can improve the quality of SMEs so that in the future, all hotel lobbies in Batu can proudly contain SME products,” concluded Eko. (dse/OKY/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)