The Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIKES UB) held a community service activity that focused on foot health and chronic disease risk screening. The activity, which was carried out at Universitas Brawijaya Hospital (RSUB) during August 2024, aims to provide education and direct services to BPJS patients who are susceptible to foot complications and chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension. This is FIKES’ commitment in improving the quality of health services.
The program, named “Strengthening Foot Services and Chronic Disease Risk Screening for BPJS Patient Families”, was motivated by the high incidence of chronic diseases in Indonesia, which are often accompanied by complications in the feet such as thick feet, burning pain, diabetic ulcers, and even amputation.
Through this program, the Nursing Department and Foot Clinic of RSUB are trying to increase patient awareness of the importance of proper foot care and early detection of the risk of chronic diseases. This activity is to support Sustainable Development Goals number 3, namely ensuring a healthy life and improving the welfare of all people of all ages.
Head of the Program, Dr. Ns. Heri Kristianto, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.M.B said that this program also aims to strengthen foot health services at RSUB, so that it can reduce the number of amputations and other serious complications that often occur in patients with chronic diseases.
“Foot health services are often neglected, especially for patients with chronic diseases. In fact, good foot care is very important, especially for diabetics who are susceptible to complications such as diabetic foot ulcers,” said Heri.
This program also includes chronic disease risk screening activities involving family members of patients who are integrated into the KKN activities of FIKes UB students targeting BPJS patients who are checked at the Internal Medicine Clinic according to their foot complaints.
“Family involvement in early detection of chronic diseases can help prevent complications of chronic diseases. Therefore, we also provide basic education and the necessary screening tests,” he added.

This activity consists of three stages. In the first stage, BPJS patients will undergo a series of foot examinations. In the second stage, a peer group will be formed to provide education about foot health. In the third stage, a home visit will be carried out according to the agreement with the patient to undergo chronic disease screening as a form of integration of student KKN activities. The Community Service Team involved lecturers from the Department of Nursing, Nutrition, and Medicine, as well as three students from FIKes Nursing Science study program.

Screening is carried out to detect early signs of complications in the feet, such as neuropathy or infections that are often experienced by diabetic sufferers. In addition, education is also provided to patients about how to properly care for their feet, the importance of controlling blood sugar, and preventing wounds that can lead to amputation. Foot and health screening activities carried out include blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid examinations, body composition, ABI and foot neuropathy examinations. Meanwhile, educational activities include education on DM and hypertension, types of foot complications, prevention and treatment of foot complications, and other relevant topics.
“This program has received a warm welcome from the community, especially BPJS patients at RSUB. The participants seemed enthusiastic in participating in the series of activities held, starting from consultation sessions to examinations. Most patients stated that this program was very useful, especially in providing new knowledge about foot care and the importance of routine screening as a form of innovation-based service at RSUB,” said Heri.

Fikes UB has collaborated with RS UB to develop collaboration in the management of chronic disease patients, this activity is expected to become a regular activity that can strengthen BPJS RSUB services. Activities will continue to be developed so that they not only conduct community service but also an educational process in the application of Interprofessional education.
This program is a real step in supporting efforts to improve health services for the wider community, especially for BPJS patients who need more attention in terms of foot care and early detection of the risk of chronic disease. Thus, in hope to create wider awareness among the community about the importance of prevention and management of chronic diseases comprehensively, including foot care which is often neglected. FIKES UB is also committed to continuing to innovate and expand the scope of this community service program, in order to achieve better health for all levels of society. [HK/Irene/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]