Remembering the Dean of the 2020-2022 Period, FISIP Launches the Book of Mr. Sholih Whom We Know

The Faculty of Social and Political Science of the University of Brawijaya held a joint prayer as well as launching a book entitled Pak Sholih Whom We Know (Pak Sholih yang Kita Kenal), Tuesday (20/3/2024) in the 8th Floor Hall of C Building, FISIP UB.

Not only launching the book, this activity also held a joint prayer for the late Sholih Muadi. As it is known, Sholih Muadi was the Dean of FISIP UB for the 2020-2022 period who passed away on October 3 2022.

The Rector of Brawijaya University, Prof. Widodo S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., Med.Sc, admitted that the launch of this book was very useful for remembering the services and character of the best person that UB has.

“I know him in my capacity as the Rector and Dean. I knew the deceased as a figure who was patient and had a nurturing soul,” he said.

Prof. Widodo assessed that when he was Dean of FISIP, the late Sholih Muadi took a compassionate or humanist approach.

“This style was manifested in the efforts of the deceased who always tried to help and find solutions to the problems of his subordinates. There is management that makes it easier, not complicates for other people’s affairs,” he explained.

The Rector of UB admitted that personally he had lost a good friend to interact with. A reliable work partner, especially in maintaining harmonization in FISIP.

“Hopefully, this book will be a monument of reminder and learning for the next leaders at FISIP to be able to imitate good character and continue good programs,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, the Dean of FISIP UB, Prof. Anang Sujoko S.Sos., M.Si., D.COMM, said that the publication of this book could be a piece of impression to commemorate the late Sholih Muadi.

Prof. Anang Sujoko admitted that the late Sholih Muadi was a figure who was steadfast in carrying out the obligatory prayers together at FISIP mosque.

“The deceased also reminded us that every leader will be asked for our responsibility on the day of reckoning so that it will not be easy to carry out the mandate as a leader,” he explained.

Therefore, Prof Anang Sujoko hopes that the story of the late Sholih Muadi in this book can be an example for the common good and good deeds of the deceased. (FISIP PR/ OKY/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)