Returning to Fitr who always Misses the Holy Month

After fasting for a full month of Ramadhan, all Muslims are now back to welcoming Eid al-Fitr 1444 H, this celebration is also felt by the academic community of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) by holding Eid prayers together in the field of the Rectorate Building on Saturday (22/4) . This activity is the closing of Ramadhan Celebration series which is held by UB Center for Religious Development (PPA) during the fasting month. Various activities such as general studies before breaking the fast, tausyiah, bazaar, blood donors, tabligh akbar, quranic seminars, tahfizh graduation for students who memorize the Al-Qur’an to compensation for orphans are presented to fill the essence of faith in UB campus environment. Also attending the Eid prayer event were Prof. Widodo, SS.i, MS.i, Ph.D, Med.Sc, as the Rector accompanied by university leaders, all lecturers, educational staff and students, even some international students who are currently studying at UB also took the time to participate.

With the theme “Ramadan Education for Commitment to Human Nature”, Prof. Ir. Hadi Suyono, MT, Ph.D revealed that the journey of Ramadan actually invites every individual to reflect again, reflect on themself in seeing the greatness of God. As Muslims, we should understand that the worship that we have been doing so far cannot be carried out without the help and permission of Allah. “Therefore, showing feelings of shame, wailing low before him while knocking on the holy door of forgiveness, bringing our worship which sometimes we are not yet worthy of surrendering to him. Ramadhan is the month when the gates of heaven are wide open but unfortunately sometimes the pride of the heart still controls human beings not to step foot towards faith, and vice versa, when the doors of hell are tightly closed but our desires still rebel to open it, “said Prof. Hadi as Khotib of Eid Al-Fitr Prayer.

He also added that if every Muslim person continues to maintain commitments, improve themselves in fasting, because this is a reminder so that later they all do not fall into the group that was said by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Where there are among the Muslims carrying out worship services in the month of fasting but their sins are still not forgiven when Ramadan has gone, it is said that they are the losers. “The month of Ramadan is a time for us to put ourselves down to get to know each other more closely, shed tears, wet our prostrations and pray to Allah, because there are no other blessings that are equal when the human heart vibrates to remember and feel the tenderness of the love of the almighty creator,” he said.

In this Eid, which is Fitri, is the culmination of self-cleansing in fasting education with the blessings shown by Allah to all Muslims who celebrate it, besides that it is a reflection for them to miss meeting the month of Ramadan again. In accordance with what was explained by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, “Whoever fasts Ramadan for reasons of faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then he will come out of his past sins like the day he was born into the world, namely returning to fitrah“. Don’t let your feelings and desire to meet again with the month of Ramadan disappear, because fasting during Ramadan will bring invaluable blessings to anyone who runs it. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]