Family becomes the Frontline of Children Violence Protection

There are many problems faced by children this time, because children are very vulnerable to things related to crime around them, especially with the rise of negative content on social media. From that basis, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences held a Workshop “Acts of Sexual Violence and Harassment in Minors in the Era of the proliferation of Social Media” which was held on Monday (6/12/2021) in B Building, FISIP, 7th floor.

The workshop was filled with speakers from the DPRD of East Java Provincial, Malang City Police, Malang City Social Service, Malang City Ministry of Religion, Psychologists from UB and attended by lawyers from victims of child sexual violence which had gone viral in Malang City a few weeks earlier.

Dean of FISIP UB, Dr. Sholih Mu`adi, SH., M.Si said that children are being bombarded by inappropriate content so that it will stick in their memory even to the stage of trying.

“This is because parents are very minimal in supervising children’s exploring activities with their gadgets.This is really sad because we crave children as the next generation of the nation,” said Dr. Sholih.

This was supported by the Member of DPRD for the Province of East Java, E Commission, Dr. Sri Untari Bisowarno, M.AP, who said that the family is the frontline of protecting children from violence. He also revealed data about 534 cases of domestic violence in East Java, especially against children.

“Household is the main door for us to educate children. The household is the most important institution in creating children’s character. So parents must be smart, not only intellectually intelligent but the most vital is conscience and spiritual intelligence that can be direct life learning for children to create noble character,” added Dr. Sri Untari.

The Doctoral Alumni of FIA UB hopes for parents to be more intense in accompanying their children, especially during the pandemic that makes children closer to their gadgets because gadgets can make children a hero or zero. He also hopes for strong coordination between social services, the religious department, the police and the surrounding community to be active in cases of violence against children. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]