The study on the issue of citizenship and multiculturalism encourages the lecturers of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) as the members of the Warga Karta Study Group, in collaboration with LP3M UB, to organize the Diversity School. According to the head of Warga Karta Study Group, Dr. Hipolitus K. Kewuel, this Diversity School is a program designed as a part of the responsibility to instill inclusiveness.
“This program is not carried out as a reaction to certain incidental situations, but solely as the scientific expression of diversity which will always be an interesting issue to study. This program is designed for a one-year implementation from July 2021 to July 2022,” he explained.
Meanwhile, according to the head of the Diversity School, Dr. Sigit Parwoto, this program has gone through a long and mature preparation by involving various parties. In addition to discussions with activists on diversity issues and various stakeholders, the Warga Karta Study Group also coordinates specifically and intensively with LP3M UB, which is the unit that manages personality development.
“Diversity School is designed as an inseparable part of the Pancasila course, specifically in the cultivation of the Pancasila Ethics. Thus, this program does not run alone but is in the context of formal learning at the university level. However, the scope of this program is still very limited because it can only accommodate 100 students participating in the Pancasila course. This is intended to facilitate coordination and evaluation,” he said.
Dr. Sigit also added that operationally, the implementation of this program is designed into several activities, including (1) general preparation for compiling modules and work guides with Dr. Anas as the coordinator, (2) Pancasila learning with Destriana Saraswati, M.Phil and Emi Setyaningsih, M.Phil. as the coordinators, (3) program opening seminar with Efrizal, M.A. as the coordinator, (4) live-in with Nindyo Budi Kumoro, M.A. as the coordinator, (5) conversation with Franciscus Apriwan, M.A. as the coordinator, (6) book publication from students’ experiences and lecturers’ reflections with Manggala Ismanto, MA as the coordinator, and (7) closing seminar with Siti Zurinani, MA., and Fatmawati, M.Sn. as the coordinators.
“All of these activities have been well-designed. I hope everything goes well,” he hoped.
According to the head of LP3M UB, Prof. Dr. Ing. Setyawan Purnomo Sakti, M.Eng, this program is good and should be supported by all parties. In education, the presence of Diversity School is one way to strengthen the meaning of diversity.
“This program can also be part of the character education process to develop in various learning activities,” he explained. [DTS]