Domestic Prosecutor Investigated LPM Unibraw

Corruption team of District Malang Domestic Prosecutor Started Moving a step further to call officials outside The Plantation and Agriculture Department District of Malang. The external party came from LPM Universitas Brawijaya (Unibraw) Malang. “Notice for outsiders is done since LPM Unibraw signed in as a project consultant,” said head of domestic prosecutor Eli Shahputra yesterday.

As reported earlier, five district officials was investigated by domestic prosecutor in related with the alleged revolt Kimbun Project funds. They are The Head of Administrative Budi Prasetyo, The head of agricultural machines and tools Edi Waluyo, The head of UPTD Tri Sutarto, daily executives of DPP Iskanto, and also The second assistant of District secretary on Finance Administration Abdul Malik.

According to Ely, LPM Unibraw official who investigated by the domestic prosecutor was the head of LPM Unibraw Prof. Dr. Syamsul Bahri. Prof. Syamsul was investigated in related with whether diversion of Kimbun funds into Kigumas has consultated into LPM or not yet.

In addition to calling external of DPP, the corruption team also investigated Head of program and planning DPP Ekanto Selar. The presence of X is necessary to knowing the drafting of Kimbun program, and also diversion of the project into Kigumas. So that the Kimbun project is considered to be attached with Kigumas. “The examination is a hot ball that is continuously rolling. Whoever traversed by this hot ball, we will definitely call,” said the former head of TU led by the attorney general’s.

Meanwhile, the head of DPRD district of Malang Suhadi was directly step on the gas. After a discussion on the budget committee about the 31 later directly form the special committee of Kimbun.

In different places, member of commission B DPRD of district Malang Imam Syafi’i supported an effort to give notice for LPM Unibraw. Since, while hearing between head of DPP Hendro Soesanto with commission B some time ago, recorded that Kimbun funds for instrument procurement Rp. 900 million, infrastructure Rp. 900 million, also fees for the third party Rp. 600 million. It is possible, invitation of the third party is related with hearing result. “We ask for domestic prosecutor remained to be consistent into the investigation,” former head of DPC PKS affirmed. [translated by denok]



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