19 Fine Arts Works by UB Students and Alumni Featured in 2Madison Art Space Contest 2024

Summer Exhibition Part 2-04
Summer Exhibition Part 2-04

The 2Madison Art Space Contest 2024 is an annual event organised by the 2Madison Gallery in Jakarta to support institutions, communities, groups, and studios in the art world. This year marks the third instalment of the Art Space Contest, which runs from June 22 to July 22, 2024, at the 2Madison Gallery, Promenade 20 Building, Jalan Bangka Raya No. 20, Jakarta.

In this year’s contest, the Brawijaya group, consisting of students and alumni from the Fine Arts Study Programme, Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS), Universitas Brawijaya (UB), successfully passed the proposal selection stage. They showcased 19 works under the theme “History”.

The group comprises Happy Wahyu Firdaus (Class of 2015) as the group leader, with members Anindya Asmara Bidari (Class of 2020), Rozaana Afifah (Class of 2020), M. Afrizal Romadhoni (Class of 2020), and Osyadha Ramadhanna (Class of 2016).

Works by Fine Arts Students and Alumni in the 2Madison Art Space Contest 2024
Works by Fine Arts Students and Alumni in the 2Madison Art Space Contest 2024

History is depicted as past events that return to the self through memories, feelings, sensations, and environmental imagery. It reflects the self and its engagement with the surrounding world.

“This group was formed due to a shared background in the work process and a mutual interest in presenting childhood stories. This similarity has resulted in at least two tendencies in our work: ‘working about’ History and ‘working through’ History,” Happy explained in an interview on Wednesday (26/6/2024).

Happy added that History, in the context of the Brawijaya group exhibition, is understood as a self-related activity. Group member Osyadha explores how past memories intertwine with current events and future projections, reflecting and questioning the ‘self’. This illustrates how the profound influence of History remains continuous and uninterrupted, despite fluctuating shifts and changes.

For more information about the Summer Collective Exhibition 2024, visit the Instagram account @2madison_gallery or the website https://www.2madison.com/. [dts/PR FCS]