For the First Time, UB Held Independent Students  Entrepreneurial Academy

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) organizes the Independent Student Entrepreneurial Academy (AWMM) for the first time, with the aim of creating students to be able to become entrepreneurs.

The event was opened by beating the gong by the Rector of UB, Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.Med.Sc in the Algorithm Room of FILKOM Building, 2nd floor, Monday (29/8/2022).

Chief Executive, Ilhamuddin Nukman, M.Psi.,MA explained that the AWMM program was designed as a crater for students in the field of entrepreneurship.

AWMM will be followed by students for three months. From 1270 participants who took part, we then selected 934 participants,” said Ilham.

In the AWMM program later, every student who participates will get some material on how to build an entrepreneurial mindset, build mentality, character, and resilience as a prospective entrepreneur. Second, how to formulate a business, find ideas, business models, and business plans.

UB Rector

Third, how to present ideas into businesses so that investors are interested in investing in their program. They will make prototypes and then exhibit them in the entrepreneurship program.

“This program is fully funded by Kemendikbudristek through LPDP. Compensation for living costs is provided in the form of capital financing for the manufacture of product prototypes. Each group will get a capital of Rp 5 million,” said Ilham.

UB Rector, Prof. Widodo said that AWMM is a good breakthrough from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in the field of entrepreneurship.

“The progress of a country is determined by the number of types of work from the population, namely how many researchers and how many become entrepreneurs. If both of them are large, it will be very easy and fast for a country to progress,” he said.

Ilhamudin Nukman

He added, AWMM will accommodate the generation of entrepreneurs in changing the mindset that to be successful it is not only looking for jobs but becoming entrepreneurs.

The head of the independent entrepreneur center, Wachyu Hari Haji, hopes that by holding the AWMM this time, students can follow in the entrepreneurial footsteps of their alumni.

“I hope that the students can follow this program until it’s finished,” he said.

AWMM is MBKM’s flagship program designed to create new young entrepreneurs.

The AWMM activity will last for three months which is equivalent to 20 credits

This AWMM training is held offline and online for 3 months and will end with a student entrepreneurship expo in November 2022. (OKY/Humas Ub/ Trans. Iir)

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