The Training and Certification of Prospective General K3 Experts of the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower for Lecturers and Education Personnel of Universitas Brawijaya on Friday (27/9/2024) was officially closed by the Secretary of the University, Dr. Tri Wahyu Nugroho, Sp., M.Si.
In addition to being attended by the Secretary of Universitas Brawijaya, the activity which took place at Tjakra Hall, 2nd floor of The Shalimar Boutique Hotel was also attended by the Head of UB K3L Division, Prof. Dr. Ir. Qomariyatus Sholihah, St., M.Kes., and the Director of PT. Centra Artha Prima Indonesia (CAPI) Ardi Simbolon.
This training and certification activity itself was held by the K3L (Health, Occupational Safety and Environment) Division of Universitas Brawijaya in collaboration with PT. Centra Artha Prima Indonesia (CAPI) which is an official K3 Service Company appointed by the Ministry, one of which is to conduct General K3 Training and last for approximately three weeks starting from September 11 to September 27, 2024.
In her report, the Head of UB K3L Division, Prof. Dr. Ir. Qomariyatus Sholihah, St., M.Kes., expressed her gratitude for the implementation of this activity and her pride in all participants who had completed all activities starting from the opening, delivery of materials, Field Work Practices, Seminars and also the general K3 certification exam and closing.
“This afternoon all participants have completed all activities starting from September 11, namely the direct opening then the material until the last day today, September 27, and thank God it went smoothly so that for now the participants have passed,” said Prof. Qoqom.
“So yesterday after taking the training, I knew what to do after getting a certificate, there is a big responsibility there for the 3-monthly report. Because the responsibility of a general K3 expert is indeed heavy,” he added.
Prof. Qoqom also expressed her hope that in the future, the K3L division that has been approved by the leadership, InshaAllah, in 2025 can form P2K3 which will later be able to facilitate coordination between the center and also the faculties and units in the Universitas Brawijaya environment.
“So that when we want to carry out supervision, namely field assessments, we are no longer confused about who to contact, so that the SOP is very long even though there is something urgent, because the assessment here is not only day but also night and then there is also monitoring and evaluation. We emphasize that the K3 division is not something scary but auditing something that is inappropriate which dealing on how we can minimize it,” she concluded.
Meanwhile, UB Secretary, in his speech, said that the capacity and capability of the training participants later were indeed expected to be the vanguard regarding occupational safety and health in Universitas Brawijaya environment.
“We are transforming towards an international university, where institutions are always measured for their suitability. So this suitability is important. So, if we are supported by a good system, but the K3 is not running, it will never be achieved,” said Tri Wahyu.
Tri added that this is an initial effort, because K3L is a division that has only been around for one year where its task is to develop human resources through competency certification for friends in each faculty, each unit and also conduct audits, which are indeed specifically different from HR or SPI but in the field of occupational health and safety in UB environment.
“Well, maybe at the beginning we can discuss it at the faculty and unit level in the future if we want to become a special body, it means at least there must be an OTK, but at this time I think the most important thing is the knowledge gained by the participants which can be used as provisions to become mentors with certificates that can later be used as references in each faculty and unit if there are problems related to K3, that’s what is expected,” explained Tri.
At the end of his speech, the University’s secretary hoped that this training activity would not end here, where the next step could be designed, maybe the next one is for specialist K3 training and certification.
“I think hopefully that it will become useful knowledge that we can implement that we gained during the two-week training that we can apply to develop Universitas Brawijaya into a superior campus with international standards,” he hoped. (ron/UB PR/Trans. Iir)