K3L UB Discusses SMK3L Guidelines Draft

The Division of Health, Occupational Safety and Environment of Universitas Brawijaya (K3L UB) on Monday (14/10/2024) at UB Guest House held a Workshop on Discussion of Guideline Draft for the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3L) of Universitas Brawijaya.

The activity, which was opened directly by the Secretary of the University, Dr. Tri Wahyu Nugroho, Sp., M.Si., was a continuation of the Training and Certification program for Prospective General K3 Experts at Universitas Brawijaya which had been held several days earlier.

Head of the K3L UB Division, Prof. Dr. Ir. Qomariyatus Sholihah, St., M.Kes., explained in his report that this workshop was attended by lecturers and staff of General K3 Experts in UB who had received certification in previous training.

Stated by Prof. Qoqom, the purpose of this workshop itself is to obtain detailed information related to the diversity of conditions in each faculty at Universias Brawijaya in accordance with the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 50 of 2012 concerning the Implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System in article 9, that in the preparation of the K3 plan, the involvement of K3 experts, worker representatives, and other related parties in a company is required, in this case Universitas Brawijaya.

“I hope that K3 in the future can really be implemented in Universitas Brawijaya’s environment, both in the faculty and in the work units in UB. It is indeed difficult to become a K3 expert, but I believe that my friends can become K3 icons, with this workshop, hopefully in the future it will be easier for us to implement K3 in UB environment and show that UB community is aware of and cares about K3,” hoped Prof. Qoqom.

In this workshop, apart from Prof. Qoqom who discussed and presented the draft of SMK3 Guidelines in the Introduction Chapter and the K3 Policy Determination Chapter, Dr. Rita Parmawati, SP., M.E., who delivered a presentation on the K3 Planning Chapter and the K3 Plan Implementation Chapter and Kristanto Adi Nugroho, ST., MT., who discussed the K3 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Chapter and the SMK3L Performance Review and Improvement Chapter. (ronny/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)