The Chancellor of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Widodo., S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. Med.Sc. conveyed it was important for UB students to be equipped with knowledge about Health, Work Safety and the Environment (K3L). He said that the potential for disasters in Indonesia is high, so it is important for students to have basic K3L knowledge.
“The potential for disasters around us is very high, such as landslides and earthquakes. So it is important for us to have knowledge about disasters. So that our younger siblings graduate and work throughout Indonesia, they can understand. Hopefully K3L can become important knowledge, basic knowledge,” he said at the Opening of the Zurich Risk Assessment Guest Lecture, Thursday (30/5/2024), at the Samantha Krida Building.
The Chancellor conveyed that the public still does not care about the implementation of K3L. For example, when building a house it is simply built without paying attention to K3L aspects. In fact, according to him, government level property risk assessment has become a luxury item.
Head of UB K3L Division, Prof. Dr. Ir. Qomariyatus Sholihah, S.T., M.Kes., explained that the aim of K3L is to reduce work accidents, minimize work-related illness, and increase work efficiency and productivity.
“All activities carried out from waking up to going back to sleep, all have risks so it must be carried out according to standard operating procedures (SOP),” she explained.
She also demonstrated the correct sitting position. The position of the tailbone is propped comfortably on the chair, and the elbows are on the table.
Ir. Andry Chrisardianto, AAAIK from Zurich Syariah, said it is quite often when they carry out assessments, the reality on the ground and what is reported are often different. “As Risk Engineers, we speak as it is, because we are independent,” he said.
This Risk Engineer from Zurich Syariah said that companies’ awareness in carrying out risk assessments is still low, especially for local companies. It often appears on the budget cutted is the allocation for maintenance.
“Safety is not yet seen as something important, especially for locally based companies. This is different from foreign companies or joint ventures,” he said.
Meanwhile, another speaker, Dr. Aurick Yudha Nagara Sp.EM., KPEC shared about emergencies in the health sector. He conveyed that one of the programs was the School of CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) in collaboration with the Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes). He hopes that the target of this program is for students in grades 5 and 6 of Elementary School (SD) up to college student level so that One Family One Rescuer can be achieved. Because we don’t know when it will happen,” he said.
Zurich Friends have carried out Risk Assessments in several buildings, one of which is the Rectorate as part of its CSR. “From there, we know the potential for emergencies, we do not rule out the possibility of something happening. since we live in an area that has the potential for disasters, earthquakes, floods, so we can minimize the losses we will face.
Hilman Simanjuntak, President Director of PT Zurich General Takaful Indonesia (Zurich Syariah). Insurance company that was born in 2021. Has done a spin off because we believe the potential of the sharia industry is very large and we are leaders in the sharia insurance industry.[sitirahma/wdd/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]