Approaching the third implementation of the Napak Tilas Marathon in the celebration of the 62nd Anniversary, Universitas Brawijaya through the Universitas Brawijaya Hospital (RSUB) and Universitas Brawijaya Clinic provides an emergency team equipped with various equipment, which will be deployed from Saturday (4/1) to the finish on Sunday (5/1).
Each of the two health units deploy 1 ambulance. RSUB for example, according to dr. Aurick Yudha Nagara, SpEM will send 2 drivers, 1 doctor and 1 nurse.
“RSUB provides an advance ambulance that will depart together to the starting point at Pendopo Agung Mojokerto. Previously, there will also be a final screening of the runners. If there are participants with a pulse outside the range of 40-100 per minute, or have hypertension, they are not allowed to run,” he explained.
The medical team, according to Aurick, focuses on anticipating emergencies such as cardiac arrest, heart blockage, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, moderate to severe dehydration and trauma. “While for non-emergency anticipation is for cases of muscle cramps and minor injuries,” added the lecturer from the Faculty of Medicine.
In addition to RSUB, UB Clinic also provides health services during the marathon. This team sends 1 doctor, 1 nurse and 1 driver along with an ambulance and emergency medicines, who will accompany the runners. UB Clinic has also conducted health checks before the marathon to ensure that the runners are in prime condition.
“The runners have been checked for blood pressure, respiration rate, pulse and vital signs, as well as their medical history,” concluded drg. Miftakhul Cahyati, Sp.PM as Director of UB Clinic. (VQ/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)