Data is an important need that promises in the future. Abundant data in various forms can be utilized in meeting community needs. This was conveyed by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, Ratno Bagus Edy Wibowo, S.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
“The need for this data needs to be processed and analyzed to become the basis for decision making, in various sectors, not only education, but also industry, social humanities to business,” he explained. To prepare qualified human resources in data processing, FMIPA UB opened a Data Science study program. This study program has actually been established since February 8, 2022, and is under the Statistics Department.
“The processing of this abundant data is related to one another and is related to SDG’s and the government’s priority programs, so it requires accurate data processing. And we welcome this potential by preparing reliable data processing candidates through this Data Science study program,” he explained.
According to the Head of Statistics Department, FMIPA UB, Rahma Fitriani, S.Si, M.Sc, Ph.D, Statistics still plays a role in processing data into information. “Today’s data is not only like data in the form of numbers or classic data, the form of the data itself varies, it could be like this chat, words, videos, photos, also actually data but cannot be processed. Data Science begins with the need for data to be explored deeper and then included in statistical concepts to be processed into information, he explained.
Data Science itself, added Ratno, is multidisciplinary. “The data generated comes from various sectors, for example health, engineering, agriculture, banking and other fields. Data science is more flexible in processing and interpreting it, so that because the data is generated so that it becomes information it can be tracked more completely, “added Rahma.
To support the learning process, FMIPA is committed to strengthening the Data Science laboratory. “Because more than 50 percent of Data Science student activities are mostly carried out in the lab, the provision of a laboratory with qualified equipment is important,” said Dr. Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes, S.Si., M.Sc. as Head of Data Science Study Program.
“This study program is also to support and facilitate the AI Center in UB and can be used together,” he concluded. (VQ/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)