As one of the national tertiary institutions which is increasingly being taken into account in the world of education both nationally and internationally, Universitas Brawijaya is not only required to realize the vision and mission of the tri-dharma in the campus environment, but also participates in strengthening the integrity zone as the foundation for higher education to run a bureaucracy that is clean, accountable, capable and excellent service to the public. With this background, the Division of Bureaucratic Reform Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a socialization entitled “Internalization of the Development of Integrity Zones Towards Corruption-Free Areas (WBK) and Clean Service Bureaucratic Areas (WBBM)”, Tuesday (30/5).
Through the legal basis of Rector Regulation No. 12 of 2023, the Bureaucratic Reform Division has the task of coordinating the implementation of bureaucratic reform in all areas of change as well as organizational and governance affairs. Realizing six bureaucratic reform schemes consisting of change management, management arrangements, performance accountability, supervision, public services and HR management arrangements. This is done to create an Integrity Zone at the central level, work units, to each faculty as a whole. Previously, Faculty of Agricultural Technology UB itself won the national level integrity zone award in 2022, becoming a faculty pilot in improving services and achieving corruption-free areas.
Vice Rector II for Finance and Resources, Dr. Muchammad Ali Safaat, SH, MH revealed that the development of the WBK/WBBM integrity zone has become part of programs and policies in tertiary institutions because from the start it has been designed to be an integrity learning institution related to rules and ethical codes in the scope of education, such as the application of anti-corruption, plagiarism, information disclosure, free from corruption and gratification to monitoring against bullying. “Creating a WBK/WBBM integrity zone does require several standard instruments, but culturally UB has implemented it organically, we can observe this by keeping UB campus environment from cases related to corruption problems. We are obliged to maintain the integrity of our educational institutions in the eyes of the public, reminding the potential and opportunities for corruption exist in all parts, not only in certain aspects which are usually indicated to be prone to abuse of authority leading to criminal acts of corruption,” he said.
Dr. Dodyk Pranowo, STP, M.Si as the leader of the integrity zone team added that the key to build an integrity zone must be structured and sequential. With the presence of the integrity zone as a whole, it will bring the ecosystem of higher education life to a higher quality, cleaner and transparent. Ensuring governance is in accordance with its duties, functions and responsibilities. The first step that must be taken is the commitment of the leadership and academic community together with implementing units in realizing a aligned vision, ease of service to the community as an indicator of public satisfaction with the institution, work unit program approaches to the community (both from lecturers, education staff and students), carry out monitoring and evaluation on an ongoing basis, to strengthen the communication strategy through media management (print, electronic and social media). “In addition, there are also several things that need to be considered as a reference to support good university governance, such as the management of conflicts of interest that often occur at various levels of policy makers, control of gratuities, regulation of rewards and punishments, information disclosure and communication forums, integration of the value of integrity into in the code of ethics and behavior of academics to internal control and the whistle blowing system,” he added. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]