Product Innovation of Propolis: Universitas Brawijaya Donates Pasta Filling Machine


The Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) at Universitas Brawijaya has donated an appropriate technology tool in the form of a pasta filling machine to optimize the use of bee products, specifically propolis. This activity is part of the strategic community service program conducted by DRPM Universitas Brawijaya, with PT. Kembang Joyo Sriwijaya as the target partner. The community service program aims to enhance the added value of propolis products through appropriate technology. Propolis, which is usually limited to liquid formulations, is now being developed into toothpaste products, making it more accessible for the general public.

DRPM Universitas Brawijaya handed over the pasta filling machine as part of the appropriate technology grant to PT. Kembang Joyo Sriwijaya. This equipment is expected to facilitate the production process of toothpaste with added propolis. A training session on processing propolis into toothpaste products was held on Thursday, July 25, 2024. The event, themed “Optimization of Propolis Processing into Toothpaste Products,” was attended by participants from PT. Kembang Joyo Sriwijaya and the surrounding community.

Dr. Agus Susilo, the head of the team of lecturers involved in this activity, stated, “We hope that with the donation of this pasta filling machine, the production process of propolis-based toothpaste can be carried out more effectively and efficiently. This is a tangible step in supporting the development of local products with great market potential.” The team of lecturers who played an active role in this training included Dr. Dodyk Pranowo, Nurjannah S.Si., M.Phil., Ph.D., drg. Miftakhul Cahyati, and Prof. Dr.Sc. Asep Awaludin Prihanto. They provided materials and direct guidance to participants on the techniques of processing propolis into hygienic and high-quality toothpaste.

In an interview with Dewi Masyithoh, the head of PT. Kembang Joyo Sriwijaya, she expressed her hopes, “I am very grateful for this training. With the new technology and knowledge we have gained, we are confident that we can improve the quality of our products and expand our market. Hopefully, activities like this will continue to support small and medium-sized enterprises.” Through this technology grant and training, DRPM Universitas Brawijaya is committed to continuously supporting the innovation and development of local products. It is hoped that this activity will not only improve the quality of propolis products but also have a positive impact on the welfare of the community. (tim/dfh)

  From Berita UB