As an effort to create synergies while developing the potential of human resources, Universitass Brawijaya signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement. The signing was held on Thursday (5/1/2023) at the Rectorate Building, Universitas Brawijaya, offline and online.
The signing of this agreement was carried out by the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Sc.,PhD. MedSc and President Director of PT Sucofindo, Dr. Ir. Mas Wigrantoro Roes Setiyadi, S.E., S.Skom, M.Si, M.PP., IPU.
This signing, according to the Rector, will be applied in the fields of education, research, improving the quality of human resources and other business developments. It also serves as a basis for the parties to formulate cooperation through the activities included in this agreement, while considering to the applicable laws and regulations and the principles of good corporate governance.
“Through this collaboration, I hope that the two institutions, both Sucofindo and UB, can complement each other. Hopefully, with this collaboration, our students can do internships at Sucofindo. Besides that, I also hope that practitioners from Sucofindo can become teachers at UB through the 3 in 1 program,” said Prof Widodo.
Meanwhile, Mas Wigrantoro explained that currently Sucofindo has collaborated with several universities, including UGM, UI, Jambi University, UPN Yogyakarta, Airlangga University, UGM, UPN Yogyakarta, and Unair.
“It is tit for tat with UB, so that it is hoped that there will be common interests that we can bridge in the form of cooperation that has been established,” said Mas Wigrantoro.
He added that cooperation between the two parties could mutually improve each other’s performance and make a real contribution to the development of Human, Economic and Social Resources. (NICE/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).