Implementation of DOKAR, UB Nursing Collaborates with St. Paul University Philippines

One of the implementations of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education is to carry out the role of higher education institutions as agents of reform, pioneers and disseminators of science, technology, arts and humanities. This principle is carried out by the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, through the Lecturer Works program or DOKAR.

UB Nursing Study Program Lecturer in the Philippines

Six lecturers from this department had the opportunity to take part in lecturer capacity building activities, at the School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences St. Paul University Philippines (SPUP), as a form of Lecturer Works activity. This activity was held on December 8-12. For several days, the delegation from Fikes had the opportunity to build networks and provide presentations related to nursing science.

Representatives from Fikes consist of Dr. Yati Sri Hayati, S.Kp. M. Kes, Ns. Evi Harwiatiningrum, S.Kep., MHSM., Ns. Suryanto, S.Kep., M.Nurs., Ph.D, Ns. Muladefi Choiriyah, S.Kep., M.Kep, Dr. Ns. Fransiska Imavike F., S.Kep., M.Nurs and Ns. Sholihatul Amaliya, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep. Anak.

According to Evi, the choice of SPUP as DOKAR’s partner was due to its reputation. “SPUP is one of the institutions providing nursing education with a good reputation and consistently gets high ratings based on the Professional Board Examinations in the Philippines,” she explained. In addition, she added, this campus is also one of the eight centers of excellence for nursing education.

Benchmarking Mini Hospital

“While in the Philippines, UB team initiates collaboration. “This collaborative activity has actually been carried out since 2018, with student outbound programs, visiting professors and other activities. In this last activity, Ns. Suryanto became a speaker at international conferences,” she added.

In addition to collaboration, the team also visited a laboratory for benchmarking for making mini hospitals. “We also discussed the curriculum because many SPUP graduates work abroad,” she explained. This year, explained Evi, collaborative activities carried out by Fikes and SPUP included lecturers’ participation as speakers and participants in international seminars organized by SPUP, lecturer transplants to strengthen curriculum and learning, and comparative studies in nursing skills laboratory management.

“Furthermore, DOKAR has also succeeded in initiating a cooperation agreement in the form of lecturer and student activities outside campus for the next academic year, there is a visiting professor program for two lecturers from UB who will give lectures at SPUP with the topic Emergency Nursing and Maternity Nursing and on the contrary. It is planned that this activity will be carried out in the next semester. Another activity is Collaborative Research between lecturers from Nursing Science study program FIKES UB and lecturers from the School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences SPUP,” she concluded. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]

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