UB Government Science Conducts Collaborative Actions to Prevent Child Violence in the School Environment

The community service team from the Government Science Study Program Universitas Brawijaya led by Tia Subekti S.IP., MA, together with Irma Fitriana Ulfah, S.IP., M.Si and five other students carried out community service activities with the theme of collaborative action in efforts to prevent violence to children in the school environment at SDN Tunjungsekar 4 Malang City, Friday (17/5/2024).

Head of the Community Service Team, Tia Subekti, explained that this activity was motivated by the increasing number violence cases against children that occurred in school environments.

“In Indonesia itself, 24,158 cases of violence against children have been reported throughout 2023,” she said.

This community service activity was attended by students in grades 1, 2 and 3 of elementary school with a total of 60 students participating. Activities include delivering material, playing games, and also singing together.

Tia Subekti said that collaborative action in preventing violence against children in the school environment must involve various parties, namely students, teachers and employees in the school environment as well as parents.

She also encouraged students to have the courage to report to teachers and parents if they experience unpleasant behavior from friends or other parties at school.

“We also help provide understanding to elementary school students about the various types of violence that might happen to them, such as hitting friends, making fun of them, hiding friends’ belongings, or asking friends for pocket money,” she explained.

The next collaborative action was also carried out by increasing the supervisory role of teachers in children’s learning activities in the school environment. Ensure the space is safe and comfortable for children and easy to supervise.

“This is because many cases of violence against children are experienced by children around the school but are not seen by the teacher, such as at the back of the class, near the toilet or other places that are far from the teacher’s observation,” explained the lecturer of UB Government Science.

Therefore, according to Tia, it is important to provide surveillance cameras in the school environment as a form of infrastructure support in minimizing violence in the school environment.

“Finally, parents must provide understanding and ensure that their children do not become victims or perpetrators of violence,” she concluded.

To conclude this activity, the community service team introduced anti-bullying claps and anti-bullying songs with the hope that students would easily remember and apply them in their daily activities. (*/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)

  From Berita UB