The Alumni Association of Universitas Brawijaya (IKA UB) launched the Talenta UB Application as a platform to bridge students and alumni in the world of work. The platform was launched during the IKA UB halal bihalal activity at the PUPR Ministry Auditorium, South Jakarta, Saturday (May 4, 2024).
Talenta UB was developed to meet the needs of alumni and students who have special and superior competencies according to future industry demand.
The Talenta Application is a communication platform that brings together students and alumni in the world job market through professional networks.
The platform also provides internship programs in the industrial world.
Talenta UB offers alternative career gateways through job vacancy features available from entry level to professional.
“This application also promotes prospective employers based on the competency scores they have according to the desired field. This will make it easier for alumni to meet the qualifications needed to pursue their dreams,” said the General Chairperson of IKA UB M. Zainal Fatah.
Talenta UB also collaborates with the certification institution, the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) and international institutions. This aims to meet the competency standards of alumni and students needed by the industry.
The General Chairperson of IKA UB, M. Zainal Fatah, said that the Talenta UB application was presented by alumni as a commitment to progress together with students, both Undergraduate, Graduate, Doctoral and Vocational schools.
In his speech, Chancellor Prof. Widodo said that Talenta UB is an important part of increasing alumni absorption in the world of work.
“Based on the Survey, more than 80% of our alumni are absorbed in the world of work on time,” he said.
The Chancellor also hopes that alumni who already have important positions can help their younger batch students in good careers.
He also hopes that alumni who are successful in the private sector can encourage students to have the skills and courage of an entrepreneur.
“The best alumni are those who contribute a lot to the Alamamater,” he said.
IKA UB halal bihalal was attended by 1,317 alumni including the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of Indonesia (Menko PMK) and also the chairman of UB MWA Prof. Muhadjir Efendi, former Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Prof. Mahfud MD who is also a member of the Board of Trustees of Universitas Brawijaya (MWA UB), Prof. Ahmad Erani Yustika, head of the vice president’s secretariat, and chairman of the Republic of Indonesia Ombudsman Mokhamad Najih.
From UB, those present were the Chairman of UB Senate, Prof. Nufil Hanani, UB Chancellor Prof. Widodo along with all vice rectors, deans, and vice deans from all faculties at UB. (KAN/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).