A mother of Pekanbaru graduated along with her two sons on Saturday (9/Apr/2016). The three scoop up all the strata title of bachelor, master and doctoral program respectively at University of Brawijaya (UB). The mother is Dr. Okta Karneli, MS who was graduated from Administrative Science Doctoral Program. The eldest son of Prof. Dr. Harlen, SE, MM’s wife named Ahzanu Asyari Ohara, SH, MH accomplished Master Program of Law Science. While her youngest son named Muammar Refnu Ohara, S.I.Kom was graduated from Bachelor Program of Communication Studies Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
Further education of a lecturer at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Riau who was born in 1966 was supported by Dikti scholarship of the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education. While her two sons Ahzanu (26) and Refnu (22) used of personal expenses.
“This was the height of glory of the family,” said Harlen after accompanied graduation ceremony of his wife and two sons. The professor at Faculty of Economics and Business University of Riau outlined, since early 2000s Indonesia been having acceleration program of human resources quality improvement by 1000 master and doctoral movement. Afterwards he contacted all Indonesian and even ASEAN universities. And finally he chose University of Brawijaya. The choice was without any reasons. The Faculty of Economics and Business University of Brawijaya alumni find out that UB had been accredited and partnership been also established. Besides, he assessed that University of Brawijaya academic culture already been created and its campus atmosphere also excellent. “We confident to prepare the family’s future in University of Brawijaya,” he said.
Harlen’s belief has proven to bring one of his sons, Ahzanu, to become an assistant manager in a State-owned Enterprise. [denok/Humas UB/trans. Denok]