IAIN Kudus Visits UB to Learn MBKM

IAIN Kudus Visits UB

Brawijaya University (UB) received a visit from Kudus State Islamic Institute (IAIN), Tuesday (05/12/2023). Located in the 8th Floor of Meeting Room of the Rectorate Building, the visit was received by the Director of Administration and Academic Services (DALA), the Chair of the Educational Development Institute (LPP), the Chair of the Quality Assurance Institute (LPM), along with other leadership.

Vice Rector I of IAIN Kudus, Prof. Dr. H. Ihsan, M.Ag said, the purpose of this visit was to discuss and share experiences regarding the management of the implementation of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) based on Outcome Based Education (OBE).

“Hopefully we can learn a lot from UB regarding the management of OBE-based MBKM implementation, hopefully after this, IAIN Kudus can become a better institution in providing services to the community,” said Ihsan.

Head of LPP UB, Prof. Dr. dr. Loeki Enggar Fitri, M.Kes., Sp.Park in his speech explained the organizational structure at UB, the role of DALA, LPP and LPM in managing MBKM.

“LPP is in charge of making policies, while DALA is in charge of implementation, and LPM is in charge of maintaining quality,” he said.

Various information related to UB’s experience in implementing OBE-based MBKM was also discussed at this meeting, starting from what needs to be prepared to how UB implements and facilitates OBE-based MBKM.

The IAIN delegation who attended this activity included the Chair of IAIN Kudus Quality Assurance Institute, IAIN Kudus Quality Assurance Secretary, IAIN Kudus Internal Quality Accreditation Head, IAIN Kudus curriculum and learning development head, IAIN Kudus planning and mobility head, IAIN accreditation standards development head Kudus, and LPM IAIN Kudus Staff. [SAM/Irene/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]