HMP Invite UB Community to Care for Freshwater

IMG_4977Commemorating World Water Day which falls on March 22, 2017, Water Resources Engineering Students Association (HMP) Faculty of Engineering (FT) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held water care campaign. After the parade at Merdeka Square Malang on Sunday, March 19 ago, this time they go around UB.

Started in the UB Rectorate Square, four mascots of World Water Day (WWD) 2017 led the other Water Resources Engineering students to speak out on the importance of water in human life. It is aimed at drawing attention to the water crisis and eliminating water waste. The moral message is echoed in the form of cheers, poems, and speeches can be heard in every corner of the UB.

In this year WWD 2017, HMP voiced their concerns about the condition of the river and the waters which are now increasingly polluted by wastes of society. Chief Executive of WWD 2017, Yoggie Azhary voiced that the community should aware and care that water has a significant impact on the environment.

“Currently, the water in the river and streams in Indonesia has begun polluted by wastes. Don’t let river in Malang being polluted. We have to keep the cleanliness of our rivers, together with the community, we must work together in keeping the river in Malang clean,” he said.

IMG_5007After the parade around the UB, the group returned to the rectorate square and shows a Theatrical Drama. In this theatrical action, the committee described the condition of water that has been polluted by sewage and industrial wastes, agriculture, and households. This action also invited many people around UB, moving so many people who are interested in participating in this action.

“We want the messages carried in this campaign not just stop in the celebration of water day, but hopefully awareness of the importance of this water will always be etched in our heart,” said the coordinator of FT-UB Student Executive Body, Dzaky Falakhi who was also present along with his team opened the event that day. (mic/Humas UB)

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  From Berita UB