Nahdliyin Entrepreneurs Association is Ready to Strengthen Business Network in UB Campus Environment

On Wednesday (1/3) the opening series of the 1000 Entrepreneurial Student Program at Universitas Brawijaya (UB) was held with guest lectures at Samantha Krida Building. In his remarks, Vice Rector V for Research and Innovation Prof. Dr. Unti Ludigdo, SE., M.Si, Ak said that UB has a commitment to prepare students with entrepreneurial characteristics since starting campus life. Various courses are filled in and adapted to the context of strengthening business innovation and the economy independently. Besides going through the curriculum outlined in the courses, UB also carries out various concrete activities to encourage young entrepreneurs to continue developing, including through the Student Entrepreneurship Program (PMW) and the Entrepreneurial Student Academy (AMW) under the coordination of the University’s Student Affairs Section. This program is given so that participating students get learning methods, monitoring and evaluation. “Currently our country is still lagging behind in creating entrepreneurs, even at the Asian level, only 3 percent of the total population throughout Indonesia have succeeded in becoming entrepreneurs. We still can not compete with Thailand, Malaysia or Singapore. Therefore, UB as a university has a responsibility to stimulate character and entrepreneurial spirit to grow in UB’s students. So that after graduating later, students are not only busy looking for work, but are ready and able to open various new jobs. Various research and innovation programs will always be aligned with student affairs schemes,” he said.

With the presence of an agreement between UB and Nahdliyin Entrepreneurs Association (HPN) in UB 1000 Entrepreneurial Student program, of course it will open opportunities for students to expand business networks. HPN is openly ready to provide support through collaborative programs such as funding (investors), mentoring, resources (HR) and collaboration. This was also expressed by KH Marzuki Mustamar as chairman of PBNU East Java so that solid commitment and synergy within the Nahdliyin business environment must be maintained. HPN must be able to carry out economic independence by fulfilling the needs obtained from fellow members through clustering and mapping entrepreneurship. “Maximum effort is needed to improve the nation’s economy, because economic weakness can be used as an entry point for division and instability. Entrepreneurial mentality is one of the things that can have a big impact on global economic growth. Hopefully the young generation of Brawijaya campus will be able to contribute greatly to the welfare of the nation and state in the future,” he concluded. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]