With the world of entrepreneurship growing rapidly in the current global era, the diversity of learning that refers to the concept of entrepreneurship has become part of educational instruments, especially for universities. The role of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) has so far been committed to providing space for students to realize their potential for independent entrepreneurs through Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) activities, one of which is the Independent Student Entrepreneurship Academy (AWMM). The AWMM Expo performance on Tuesday (27/12) is an exhibition of the results of practical learning that has been carried out in AWMM activities within a maximum period of 20 credits.
Ilhamudin Nukman S.Psi, MA as the Chief Executive of AWMM UB revealed that independent entrepreneurship is one of the superior programs in the ministry of education where AWMM students are directed so that each entrepreneurial activity does not only develop independently and innovatively, but can also have an impact on the wider community with a larger network scope, is accepted by the market, so that it can drive the wheels of a new economy nationally.
In 2022, UB will have the opportunity to carry out the AWMM program with 16 other universities in Indonesia. A total of 979 students from 132 tertiary institutions in 32 provinces have completed the selection and data verification stages. “The challenge faced by UB when this program took place was the participation of UB internal students, the number of which was still relatively small, only 198 participants. Of course, the amount of this contribution is still not enough to support the improvement of UB’s Main Performance Indicators (IKU) in the field of student entrepreneurship. We will continue to evaluate so that AWMM activities become part of the university’s priorities which encourage students to participate in it, even when they first joined UB campus,” he said.
Besides that, in order to expedite the AWMM activity process, UB has developed a learning information system through blended learning so that it can help participants who cannot attend offline class. This system is expected to be used as a model for developing entrepreneurship internally in the future. UB has also created a website via the expo.awmm.ub.ac.id page, where all data regarding AWMM activities can be integrated as a whole, starting from proposal data, prototypes to reports. The AWMM Expo introduces recommendations for 40 capital prototypes of UB Directorate of Innovation and Business Incubator, the products shown come from a variety of businesses such as food & beverages, services and trade, aquaculture products, creative industries in arts and tourism and applied technology. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]