Solar Growth Lamp for Improving the Quality of Shallot Crop

Shallots are one of the basic needs for Indonesian people. These foodstuffs will certainly always be available in every household and culinary industry, from small to large scale. However, sometimes the availability of shallots in the country cannot meet the needs so they have to bring in shallots from abroad.

The Central Statistics Agency in 2020 released data that Indonesia’s shallot imports reached US$ 1.36. This amount has increased by 148.9% compared to the previous year which was US$ 545 thousand, and raises the anxiety of shallot farmers about the prices available in the market.

Solar Growth Lamp

One of the shallot problems lies in growth problem. Whereas onion growth is a value that can help increase productivity. Helping to solve this problem, UB Tech, one of innovation units of Universitas Brawijaya released a Solar Growth Lamp. This tool, according to Eka Maulana, ST., MT., M.Eng, as the Director of UB-Tech, is able to increase the productivity of shallot plants at night.

Solar growth lamp is a plant growth lamp which is an artificial lighting system produced by LED light source from electrical energy produced by solar panels to be applied to long day plants. In addition to shallot plants, this lamp can also be used on garlic, potatoes, carrots, and other types of fruit plants.

“This tool can be used at night. So, the productivity can continue and it can be used for 3-4 hours after sunset,” explained the lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering.

This solar-powered lamp has been used by Argoayungtani Farmers Group, Selo District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java. A total of 4 units of Growth Lamps have been installed at an altitude of 1564 m above sea level to help farmers increase the yield and quality of shallots. “This area requires additional sunlight for additional time when there is no sunlight at night,” he explained.

The visit of the Director General of Horticulture of the Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia

Not only that, this effort received appreciation from the Director General of Horticulture of the Ministry of Agriculture when he visited the location of Argoayungtani farmer group, on Sunday (23/1/2022). (VQ/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)