Brawijaya University in collaboration with State University of Malang held a grand launching of the 15th MTQMN (Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an Mahasiswa Nasional) at sixth floor of banquet room, Main Office building, Monday (19/Jun/2017).
The event attended by Brawijaya University’s Rector Prof. M. Bisri, Vice Rector of State University of Malang, also invitation from the banking world and Businessmen in Malang.
The 15th MTQMN consists of 13 kinds of competitions will be organized starts on 28 July until 3 August 2017. The national level competition will be followed with around 278 Indonesian colleges in registered temporary participant numbers around 2011 convoys and 345 officials.
Later seven kinds of competitions will be organizing at Brawijaya University while six others in State University of Malang. Besides, there will be supporting events at Brawijaya University such as bazaar, exhibition, Khotmil Qur’an with MURI record breaking in seven days without a break.
The Head of Convener A. Muwafik Saleh mentioned although during the time Brawijaya University never been grabbed the champion, but as a Host, the university expected to be the champion in recent MTQMN competition. [Oky Dian/Humas UB/trans. Denok]