Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held the Grand Final of the 2024 Achieved Educators and Educational Staff in the Hall of F Building, 7th Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, on Thursday (8/8/2024). This event is the culmination of a series of selections that have been carried out previously to find outstanding Educators and Education Personnel (Diktendik) in UB.
The event was attended by the forum of Vice Deans for General Affairs, Finance, and Resources in Universitas Brawijaya, the ranks of Directors of Directorates, Heads of Technical Implementation Units, Heads of Internal Supervisory Units, Heads of Performance Accountability Units, Heads of Bureaucratic Reform Units, Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Institute, and Head of the Administration Section of Universitas Brawijaya. Also present were the finalists of the 2024 Achieved Educators and Educational Staff and the extended family of UB academic community.
In her opening remarks, the Director of UB Human Resources Directorate, Prof. Dr. Sukarmi, S.H., M.Hum, emphasized that this activity is a routine event, but this year the committee has given a new touch in the selection of outstanding lecturers and education personnel. Prof. Sukarmi explained that the categories competed for young lecturers include the Agrocomplex Field, Health Field, Science, Technology and Information Systems Field, and Social Humanities Field.
“Although the title is young lecturers, in fact, not all of the participants are young,” she said, while explaining that senior lecturers have taken part in the selection process at the central level as Academic Leaders.
In addition to the young lecturer category, this event also includes the selection of the Head of the Outstanding Study Program for the D3, D4, S1, S2, and S3 Programs, as well as Education Personnel in the Academic and Non-Academic Fields. The selection process included a desk evaluation attended by 83 participants, but only 26 people successfully passed and became finalists in this grand finale. Prof. Sukarmi hopes that this activity can become a learning experience and motivation for the participants to continue working and become prospective academic leaders at the central level.
The Grand Finale of the 2024 Achieved Educators and Educational Staff which lasted for two days, from 8 to 9 August 2024, was officially opened by the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Resources of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Dr. Muchamad Ali Safaat, S.H., M.H. In his remarks, Prof. Ali emphasized that Achieved Educators and Educational Staff is a form of appreciation and recognition for those who have worked well and with full dedication. He hopes that this award can inspire other Educators and Education Personnel at Universitas Brawijaya to continue to improve their performance.
“Hopefully the results of this Achieved Educators and Educational Staff award can inspire all of you, both Educators and Education Personnel at Universitas Brawijaya, to work well and seriously as a form of gratitude for the blessings they have. At least, the blessings of being part of UB academic community,” he added.
A total of 28 jury teams were present in determining the 2024 Diktendik Finalists. The finalists were required to make one main video and one promotional video as part of the assessment. The results of this grand final are expected to be a reference and motivation for all academics at Universitas Brawijaya to continue to work and innovate. (wdd/ron/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)