BAZIS UB Quick Action Helps Flood Victim of Batu-Malang

Responding to the flash flood that hit parts of Batu City and Malang City on Thursday (4/11/2021), Universitas Brawijaya through the Agency of Amil Zakat Infaq Sedekah UB has provided assistance to affected communities. This assistance was provided from Friday to Monday at several affected locations.

In Malang City, the distribution of this asisstance was carried out in Kampung Putih, Kampung Biru and Penanggungan Village in Klojen District. Whereas for Batu City area, the assistance was handed over to Bumiaji Village and Bulukerto Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City.

The types of assistance provided include personal hygiene equipment, underwear, baby and elderly needs, sleeping equipment as well as health supplements and snacks.

Not only that, BAZIS also handed over several evacuation equipment such as wheelbarrows, rakes, shovels, hoe and so on. This assistance was handed over by BAZIS Youth to community representatives at the disaster site.

According to the Director of BAZIS UB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MP, the BAZIS team moved quickly after the disaster occurred. “At the time of the incident, the BAZIS team immediately dispatched a team to collect data on the needs. Then it was continued on the d+1 of the disaster until the 8th for the distribution of aid”, explained the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology.

In addition to logistical assistance and evacuation equipment, in the future, BAZIS also plans to provide psychosocial assistance and health services.

“After an urgent need, BAZIS will immediately cooperate with FISIP for psychosocial support and FK for medical examination services, to assist the recovery of post-disaster victims,” ​​he said. (VQ/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)