Agriculture is a source of food for human survival. Unfortunately, the regeneration of agricultural workers in Indonesia is currently running very slowly. Most of the workers in agriculture are over 44 years old. The BPS survey in 2018 showed that only 12% of farmers were under 34 years of age.
The data shows that not many Indonesians are interested in farming and the stereotype of farming is dirty and muddy work. But on the other hand, the application of digital technology in the world of agriculture is growing. The implementation of this technology can increase efficiency in the world of agriculture. However, the application of this technology in Indonesia is still very limited.
Based on this problem, the Doctoral Service Team of Universitas Brawijaya collaborated with the Self-Help Agriculture and Rural Training Center P4S Bumiaji Sejahtera to develop a training system for young farmers. This team consists of Muhammad Aziz Muslim Ph.D and Dr. Raden Arief Setyawan from the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Rosihan Asmara from the Faculty of Agriculture, Achmad Basuki Ph.D from the Faculty of Computer Science and Agung Nugroho Lutfi from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences.
This cross-faculty lecturer collaboration created a pilot for the development of a digital agricultural system, with the application of IOT technology for greenhouses at the P4S Bumiaji Sejahtera location.
The team also provides training to farmers on the application of IOT in agriculture with hands-on workshops using the ESP32 module with soil moisture sensors, temperature sensors and relays to activate the pump. All participants were very enthusiastic in trying to make their own IOT modules with these devices.
Positive appreciation was conveyed by Rakhmat Hardiyanto, as chairman of P4S Bumiaji. “It is time for farmers to stop using traditional farming methods. The application of technology has become a necessity to increase efficiency and control of agricultural products,” he said.
The man who has received an award as an outstanding farmer from the Minister of Agriculture also said that the collaboration between P4S Bumiaji and UB since 2018 has contributed a lot to farmers, especially in Bumiaji area.
According to Muhammad Aziz Muslim as the head of UB DM Team, this group is trying to create a pilot system for implementing technology in agriculture.
“This system is in the form of an IOT device that is implemented in a greenhouse to control various parameters such as watering, humidity regulation, fertilizer pH adjustment, CO levels, TDS etc. This device will automatically control greenhouse conditions according to the configuration specified by the farmer. It is hoped that the IOT system at P4S can provide demonstrations and pilots for young farmers about the application of technology in agriculture,” he said.
With the application of digital technology using IOT, added Aziz, agricultural mechanization can be controlled by smartphone devices that are very close to the younger generation. “So it is hoped that the interest of the younger generation to work in the world of agriculture will increase,” he concluded. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]