As one of the efforts to strengthen networking as well as dissemination of knowledge, the Faculty of Health, Universitas Brawijaya held a guest lecture by collaborating with the National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch, Taiwan. In this event, FIKES invited 5 speakers from the National Taiwan University Hospital who also attended the guest lecture event with nutrition and nursing students, on Friday (19/5/2023), and was the first guest lecture together with the National Taiwan University Hospital since the Faculty Health Sciences founded.
Besides being an event to share knowledge, this activity is also used as an event to strengthen cooperation with the National Taiwan University Hospital, as well as introducing the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya to the National Taiwan University Hospital. The Faculty of Health Sciences actively supports by holding activities that invite partner universities to come and provide new knowledge to the community of FIKES Universitas Brawijaya.
This activity was divided into two locations at the same time. Guest lecture for students of the Nutrition Science Study Program was held in Lecture Room 2.1, Physiological Lecture Building 3rd Floor, Faculty of Medicine which carries the topics “Nutritional care process/medical nutrition therapy for cardiovascular diseases” and “Sharing dietitian qualifications, job descriptions, and experience in NTUH and Taiwan” explained by RD. Feng-Ching Liao and RD. Su-Hua Huang of the Dietetics Department of National Taiwan University Hospital.
Whereas the guest lectures for students of Nursing Study Program, the activities were held at the 5th floor of the Auditorium Building, Faculty of Health Sciences, with the topic “Implementation of patient-centered care in nursing care: challenges and support needed”, “Tailored Nursing Intervention applying technology for cardiovascular disease patients” and “Nursing innovation for infection control in critical care units: tools and strategies” explained by Ms. Ching-Mei Tsai, Ms. Hui-Mei Chen, and Ms. Tzu-Chi Lin and a translator from the Nursing Department of National Taiwan University Hospital. There were at least 300 students who took part in this activity.
It is hoped that in organizing this guest lecture activity besides being able to provide benefits for students and UB FIKES academic community in particular, it is also able to improve the quality of international-class academic and public services, promote UB and Malang in the international arena, and strengthen cooperative relations between UB FIKES and universities partners at the international level. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]