FT UB Improves Services, Presents Integrated Service Unit (ULT) and ALMA

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FT UB) continues to innovate in improving services to students, lecturers, and the general public. One of the latest strategic steps is the construction of the Integrated Service Unit (ULT) located in the FT UB Dean’s Building, 1st Floor.

This development aims to facilitate access to information and administrative services in one integrated location. This ULT has been operating since mid-January 2025 and is a manifestation of FT UB’s commitment to providing fast, efficient, and professional services.

Suasana ULT di Gedung Dekanat Lt.1 FT UB.
The view of ULT in the Dean’s Building, 1st Floor, FT UB.

In addition, ULT at FT UB is designed to provide convenience for the entire academic community and the public who need administrative, academic, or consulting services. With the presence of ULT, it is hoped that in the future it will be able to increase the satisfaction of service users and support the operational activities of the faculty optimally.

It should be noted that ULT FT UB will provide various services, such as Information and management of academic documents, information and student services, as well as sources of information and question services from students and the general public.

Layanan ALMA yang tersedia di ULT FT UB.
ALMA services available at ULT FT UB.

ULT facilities are equipped with a comfortable waiting room, in addition to ALMA (Self-Service Kiosk) service, which is a tool that can be used by students, academics, education staff, and lecturers to print submissions of important documents independently.

ALMA is a form of innovation in providing easy services, a collaboration between the Directorate of Administration and Academic Services (DALA) and the Directorate of Technology and Information (DTI) UB. The benefits of ALMA for students are very significant, including the ability to print documents such as temporary academic transcripts, active college certificates, and IT certification certificates.

For other academics, ALMA can be used to print employee certificates and other important documents. The presence of ALMA is expected to increase efficiency and effectiveness in issuing documents, which so far has taken quite a long time through human intermediary services.

With the presence of ULT and ALMA at FT UB, it is hoped that it can provide a better service experience and increase user satisfaction. In addition, ULT is expected to be able to support the smooth operation of the faculty, so that it can create a more productive work and learning environment. [drn]