Faculty of Engineering Digitize Malang Historical Assets

A team of lecturers from the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) recorded and documented six historical buildings in Malang. Recording is done digitally using 3D laser scanner.

The six historical landmarks chosen were historical buildings that formed the image of the Malang city area until 1935; Malang Tugu Square, Malang City Hall, Hati kudus Church, Ijen Church, PLN Building, and the Frateran school on Jalan Jaksa Agung Soeprapto, Malang City.

“We got research grants from LPPM UB to digitize historic buildings in Malang with the latest technology, the 3D laser scanner,” explained  DrEng Ir Herry Santosa ST MT IPM, the head of the research team who is also the Head of the FTUB Department of Architecture.

It was said, the results of digital recording could be used for Malang City assets, it could be for the education or tourism.

“This digitization is an anticipation, if physical documents are destroyed we can use this digitize data anytime,” he replied.

The tool can record the exterior and interior data of cultural heritage buildings in 3D. Apart from building construction, this tool also provides georeference or records its coordinate points.

“This is the first step for digital asset management, it can also be used as digital tourism for both the government and investors. So later, if there is revitalization, they can refer to this digital data,” he added.

The results of this digital mapping will be processed by the Leica expert in Jakarta and then processed by UB which will later become a digital data that has georeference.

One of the team members, Adipandang Yudono SSi MURP PhD, added that this activity would be very beneficial for the Malang City government. This data can be used as a reference for the investor public.

“In Malang, there are around 37 cultural heritage buildings which has been certified. If the photos, prints, as well as its 3D prints are documented well, it will be easier to explain to inventors which ones can be changed and which cannot,” explained the Urban and Regional Planning (PWK) lecturer.

He explained that usually the recording was done using a drone or camera. This research is the first step to digitizing historical building assets in Malang.

DrEng Ir Herry Santosa and his members Adipandang Yudono PhD (PWK), DrEng Herman Tolle ST MT (FILKOM), and M Satya Adhitama ST MSc (Architecture) conducted this digital recording for six days.

“The 3d laser scanner recording process only takes six days, but we’ve done the preparation and experts coordination since early July and currently all data is being processed until the end of August at PT Leica,” said the Head of Architecture Department, FTUB (25/Aug/2020).

In collaboration with the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI) Malang Region, Malang City Government, PT. ESRI Indonesia, and PT. Leica Geosystems Indonesia, the whole team hopes that this activity does not stop at these six buildings, but also penetrates all other cultural heritage buildings. (mic)