719 FPIK-UB Students Develop Coastal Villages in East Java

The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FPIK-UB) once again held a Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKN). This time there are 719 students who will help villages in coastal areas to develop village’s potential.

The release activity of FPIK UB Thematic KKN student was held on Sunday, July 24, 2022 in the yard FPIK Campus.

Head of FPIK UB 2022 KKNT, Ir. Sukandar, MP in his speech said that for 3 weeks in the field, Thematic KKN students will help villages and sub-districts to make village maps, as well as conduct an inventory of MSMEs.

“This year’s activity has special achievements, namely the creation of geospatial-based village maps, as well as the creation of MSME profiles in KKNT target villages and sub-districts,” said Sukandar.

The students consisted of regular KKN students from FPIK in the coastal areas of Pasuruan Regency and City and the KKN Expedition Team on Saseel Island, Sumenep Regency.

A total of 692 students from 6 study programs at FPIK were placed in coastal villages and urban villages in Pasuruan Regency and City, consisting of 490 students in 17 coastal villages in Pasuruan Regency, and 202 students serving in 7 coastal villages in Pasuruan City.

In addition, there were 16 PSP Study Program students who participated in KKN on Saseel Island, Sumenep Regency, who were members of the Expedition Team ” Social Scientific Expedition Vol.5, Expedition 5 Saseel-Sapeken Island”.

Meanwhile, the Dean of FPIK, Prof. Dr. Ir. Maftuch, M.Si, emphasized that KKN activities in the MBKM era were in line with the goal of producing students or alumni with multi-competencies.

KKN is also a learning for students to communicate and interact both with the team and with the community. KKN students are representatives of UB institutions that must maintain the good name of the campus, in order to be able to achieve the highest goal of education, namely as scholars who are beneficial to the community,” concluded Prof. Maftuch. [FPIK/Irene/ Humas UB/ Trans Iir]