Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Brawijaya (FP-UB) held a “Workshop on Preparation of Work Competency Standards (SKK) in Geology and Pest and Plant Disease Sciences”, for two days, Wednesday-Thursday (10-11/11/2021). The activity which was held at the UB Guest House was attended by the SKK drafting team, namely lecturers from the Department of Geology and the Department of Pests and Plant Diseases.
Prof. Ir. Arifin Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc., Ph.D, as the Coordinator of PKKM Activity 4 said that this activity was carried out because he saw the lack of Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) for the fields of Geology and Pests and Plant Diseases.
“Therefore, this is the first step in preparing competency standards for these two fields,” he said when opening the event.
He explained, on this occasion a formula will be made to be used as a graduate standard that is adjusted to the needs of the community or stake holders.
“For example, what kind of skills should graduates have, knowledge standards, work attitudes, and other required standards. This is just the beginning. Later, we will invite partners or stakeholders from companies or associations to readjust the standard formulation that we have made,” said Prof. Arifin.

This activity presented speakers from the Professional Certification Institute (LSP) of National Agriculture, namely Nurul Indah Susanti, S.Psi., M.Psi and Drs. Surini Santoso, M.Sc. They provide materials and assistance in the preparation of SKK.
The Chief Executive, Dr. Anna Satyana Karyawati, S.P., M.P said that the preparation of this competency standard was used as material for competency test materials.
“By taking the competency test, graduates will be declared to have the ability and competence in the fields of Geology and Pest and Plant Disease Science. When students graduate, they not only get a diploma, but also a certificate of competence in that field,” explained Anna.
This workshop is part of a series of activities for Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM), where the Agroecotechnology Study Program is funded by the Higher Education for four activities. Namely first, the development of learning innovations; second, research collaboration; third, the multifunctional management of the agricultural-livestock-forestry landscape; fourth, the development of agricultural clinics and knowledge management units (KMU). This activity is included in the fourth activity. [Irene/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]