FMIPA Initiates the Development of Alternative Energy in Jabung

Department of Chemistry, FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya (UB) initiates the development of alternative energy in Jabung District, Malang Regency to support the development of energy independent villages through the activity called Lecturer Works (DOKAR).

This area was chosen considering that many dairy farms have been developed which dung can be used as alternative energy for biogas.

Dr. Diah Mardiana as the team leader explaining that with the development of alternative energy from animal waste, it is hoped that the community’s economy can be improved.

In order to explore the potential further for developing alternative energy, the Dokar team conducted a study on the potential of the sub-district, previous processing efforts and various problems occured in the field, such as mapping the biogas potential in Jabung District, listing the biogas processing efforts that had previously been carried out, as well as listing problems found in the field that are related to biogas management.

The three villages that were considered as the fastest growing became the main locations of the study, namely Jabung Village, Kemiri Village and Slamparejo Village.

The study based on surveys, interviews and focus group discussions with the ranks of sub-district leaders, field extension officers (PPL), village leaders, farmer representatives are carried out continously in 2021.

Based on this study, it can be seen that the potential for dairy products is abundant in Jabung area, but problems appear in the field such as the lack of clean water supply, especially in dry season, hinder the development of this potential.

“Our milk production is large, even it is supplied to leading national companies in Indonesia. The waste generated is also large. Unfortunately, this waste has not been treated much so that it causes its own problems.

The limitation of processing dairy products into other products that have a higher selling value as an effort to improve the community’s economy is also felt to be lacking,” said Dr. Diah Mardiana.

So, it is very potential to establish biogas as well as it is necessary to develop biogas purification efforts due to the large number of impurities that reduce heat and pose a hazard to health.

UB Dokar Team itself consists of Dr. Diah Mardiana, MS., Dr. Ir. Adam Wiryawan, MS., Dra. Anna Roosdiana, M.App.Sc, Drs. Budi Kamulyan, M.Sc, Dr. Arie Srihardyastutie, S.Si., M.Kes, Barlah Rumhayati, S.Si., M.Sc., PhD, Yuniar Ponco Prananto, S.Si., M.Sc., PhD, Zubaidah Ningsih AS, S.Si ., M. Phil., PhD, Lukman Hakim, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr.Sc, Dr. Ika Oktavia, S.Si., M.Si and involving several students who were programming Real Work Lectures (KKN). (*/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).