The beginning of college is a challenging transition time for every student. Starting from adjusting to a new environment, to facing high academic pressure. This journey often requires a strong motivational boost.
Based on this, the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKUB) held a motivational seminar with the title “Students Baper (Bringing Change), Resilient Personalities”, Saturday (11/05/2024), at Graha Medika Building. This activity was carried out by Medical Study Program’s Academic Advisory Lecturer Team together with FKUB Medical Education Student Association (HMPD), and was attended by 273 second semester students of the Medical Study Program class of 2023 along with Academic Supervisor lecturers.

Academic Assistant Lecturer Team Coordinator, dr. Yuanita Mulyastuti, M.Si said, the figure of an Academic Assistant lecturer is an important factor during the lecture period to help students feel comfortable and able to carry out lectures smoothly.
“This event aims to provide inspiration, motivation and direction for students so they can face existing challenges with enthusiasm and courage,” said Yuanita.
This activity was supervised by KPS Medicine, dr. Tri Wahju Astuti, SpP(K) and guided by Dr. Diah Royani Meisani, S.S., M.Pd. Dean of FKUB, Dr. Dr. Wisnu Barlianto, M.Sc., Med., SpA(K) was also present to open this event. In this activity, motivational seminars, reflection sessions and games are provided.

The games session led by HMPD team became a place for collaboration between students and academic assistant lecturers. This game is aimed at increasing the enthusiasm and focus of students, as well as building good bonds with academic assistant lecturers and fellow class mates.
Present as a speaker was FKUB Lecturer, Dr. Dicky Faizal Irnandi, Sp.And and dr. Arief Alamsyah Nasution, MARS who is also known as a national motivator.

“It is hoped that the presence of these two presenters will provide a new perspective for the participants, from a personal perspective as well as a doctor, from psychological aspects to professionalism. So, it is hoped that it can become an example of good practice for students,” explained Dr. Diah Royani Meisani, S.S., M.Pd as the academic advisory team.
Dr. Arief Alamsyah provides an in-depth perspective on how to become a tough person who is able to survive in facing life’s challenges. The two presenters shared inspirational stories, life experiences and strategies for overcoming them.
Through guidance from Dr. Arief Alamsyah, participants were directed to reflect on their intentions and aspirations as provisions for taking on life’s journey and challenges.
“This motivational seminar is not only about providing a moment motivation encouragement, but also in-depth guidance about the values that must be held firmly. It has also been said that not everything that happens in life can be controlled. That the quality of life depends on the quality of the response given to existing stimuli. That in every challenge there are human factors and also factors from God. That the Almighty is always there when we need strength. Everything is conveyed so that participants can make peace and be able to confidently rise from failure, so that participants are able to continue to develop the best potential they have. In this way, in the future they will be able to successfully navigate their life journey with resilience and be ready to bring positive changes for the progress of the nation. It’s OK not to be OK, you can cry but don’t give up,” explained Dr. Arief Alamsyah.
The activity ended with a reflection and introspection session. A video was shown containing advice, hopes and prayers from representatives of student parents and representatives of academic assistant lecturer, Dr. Dr. Nanda Wahyu Anandita, SpM(K). [FKUB/Irene/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]