FKH Sends Nine Lecturers to Malaysia for Lecturer Works Program

Lecturer’s Activity of FKH UB During Internship at FPV UMK

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB) sent 9 lecturers to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (FPV UMK). This activity is a form of implementation from UB Lecturer Works (Dokar).

The FKH lecturer team consisted of three lecturers attending the Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Veterinary International Conference (UVIC) while the rest did internships at the Universiti Malaysia Veterinary Medicine Faculty.

At UVIC drh. Dyah Ayu Oktavianie, M.Biotech became the invited speaker while drh. Fajar Shodiq Permata, M.Biotech and drh. Andreas Bandang Hardian, M.VSc became the oral speaker at UVIC which was held on (2/11-3/11/2022). In the conference, drh. Fajar Shodiq Permata, M.Biotech won an award as the best oral presentation.

Meanwhile, six other lecturers namely drh. Indah Amalia Amri, M.Si., Dr. drh. Handayu Untari, drh. Nofan Rickyawan, M.Sc., drh. Sruti Listra Adrenalin, M.Sc., drh. Fidi Nur Aini EPD., M.Sc., Agri Kaltaria Anisa, Apt., M.Sc., had the opportunity to do an internship at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universiti Malaysia for eight days (12/11-19/11/2022).

In this activity, besides studying laboratory testing techniques, UB FKH Dokar team also studied the teaching system and curriculum there. In addition to FPV UMK, the UB FKH Dokar team also made a visit to FPV UPM, accompanied by drh. Ahmad Fauzi, M.Sc. who is a lecturer at FKH UB who is continuing his doctoral studies at UPM. This internship activity is a series of activities for Lecturer Works Grants (Dokar) Universitas Brawijaya in 2022.

“It is hoped that with this good collaboration between universities, it can provide good benefits not only in terms of teaching, but also research,” said the Dean of FKH drh. Dyah Ayu Oktavianie, M.Biotech

The UVIC conference and internship are a form of implementation of the collaboration between FKH and the University of Kelantan Malaysia. Collaboration activities are carried out in various forms that support Higher Education Key Performance Indicators (IKU). The aims, objectives and benefits of this partnership are to increase and develop human resource capabilities in encouraging the development and utilization of science and technology in the field of Veterinary Medicine; improve the quality of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education through educational, research and community service activities that support the education of the Veterinary Medical profession; improve the quality of human resources (HR) in knowledge and skills that provide benefits; as a mutually beneficial event in terms of education and the development of training techniques in the field of animal health; as well as the implementation of the Free Campus Learning Program (MBKM) of FKH UB.

Exploration of collaboration with FPV UMK has been carried out starting in 2021 by gradually inviting FPV UMK lecturers to visit lecturer 3 in 1 2021, and on October 26 2022 a Letter of Intent (LoI) was signed between FKH UB and FPV UMK.

Another form of implementation of collaborative activities that has been carried out is internship/staff exchange activities placed in several laboratories, including the Zoonotic & Public Health Laboratory, Aquatic Laboratory, Pathology Laboratory, UMK Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital, Virology Laboratory. [FKH/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]

  From Berita UB