Two teams from the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya (FK-UB) succeeded to achieve silver and bronze medals at the 2021 Indonesian International Medical Olympiad (IMO) event. They are Muhammad Yusuf and Fairuz Abidatillah Meilany who won silver medal in the field of musculoskeletal, and Liani Amelia Chandra and Ivena Leonita who won bronze medal in the field of Infectious Disease.
The competition, which was held by Indonesian Medical Student Senate Association (ISMKI) was held in several stages, starting on October 9, 2021, which was held online, until the semi-finals on October 22, 2021, offline at Sriwijaya University, Palembang.
“We are happy and proud to bring UB’s name in this competition. Participating in the Olympics has been our dream since we were new students,” said Muhammad Yusuf representing the team.
According to Yusuf, IMO is the most comprehensive medical competition, since it includes test in various fields of medicine, practical subjects or Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE), skill tests or Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), Student’s Oral Objective Case Analysis (SOOCA). ), and Fast Accurate Competition (LCT).
“So by participating in IMO, competition participants are motivated to explore medical science in their respective branches to explore it according to the expected competencies,” said the student from Surabaya.
Yusuf and Fairuz won the second place, and won silver medals in musculoskeletal branch, namely medical science related to muscles and bones, such as orthopedics and rheumatology. In preparing fthe competition, they were guided by lecturer dr. Ananton Satya Pradana Drajat, Sp.OT. In this branch, the 1st place was won by Diponegoro University, and 3rd place by the University of Indonesia.
In line with Yusuf, Liany expressed her pride of winning the biggest medical competition in Indonesia in infectious disease branch.
“Almost all medical students in Indonesia want to participate and win this competition. It is a pride to be able to make UB proud in the biggest medical olympiad in Indonesia,” said Liany representing the team.
Although they felt that they lacked experience in the field of infectious diseases, Liany and Ivena felt challenged and finalized their preparation by self-study, under guidance from their supervisors, namely Dr. dr. Irene Ratridewi, Sp.A(K), M.Kes, dr. Andrew William Tulle, M.Sc, dr. Dearikha Karina Mayashinta, M. Biomed, and dr. Heri Sutanto, Sp.PD, as well as practicing various patient examinations.
“The infectious disease branch is very interesting to study. In the future, we will try to take part in international competitions in the field of infectious diseases,” said the student from Palu.
In this infectious disease branch, Liany and Ivena won 3rd place and got a bronze medal. At IMO there are six branches that are competed, namely musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory, genitourinary, infectious disease, digestive, and neuropsychiatry. [Irene/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]